aftershow events

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"Mikeyyyy! Do you always take this long?" I shouted at my best friend, while I sprawled out on his bed. I carefully avoided the sweat drenched t-shirt that Miley had thrown at me after I had pestered him one too many times to get cleaned up. But I mentally congratulated myself for not staring too long at his bare chest after he had grabbed himself new clothes.

At least, Mikey finally showered because I definitely didn't want to deal with a sweaty bassist after a concert. But this boy took soooo long.

The water turned off and my best friend came back with only a towel around his waist, hair dripping wet. Oh fuck, he was hot. And cute with the hair sticking to his forehead what really shouldn't look so endearing, given the lack of clothes. Yes, I was in love with my best friend, for quite some time now actually. And yes, it was just as exhausting as you might think it would be (yes, I was also aware of the cliché of the situation). That still didn't stop my heart from beating a little faster, seeing him like this. I felt my palms getting sweaty and descretely wiped them at my jeans. If he saw how nervous he made me I would actually die.

Mikey stared me down annoyed. "Yes, but I would be faster if you'd let me get changed."

I cuddled closer into the pillows and smirked up at him, hopefully masking the blush that must be on my cheeks. "Nah, I'm comfortable right here."

Mikey rolled his eyes. "You're unbelievable."

"And you love me for it," I sang but got up eventually. His revenge would be awful and a pouty Mikey was never a good idea. That boy had the most crazy ideas. You think Gerard or Frank were bad? Try pissing off Mikey.

So I didn't want to strain my luck and went to the kitchen instead. Not that I wouldn't have enjoyed the- stop right there that would be creepy.

I made myself something to eat and waited for this slow-ass to get ready finally. God, I was hungry, and I wasn't the one playing their heart out on a stage. Mikey must be starving.

"I'm back!" Mikey exclaimed and made me jump. He had creeped up close behind me, so close that I could feel his breath hit my neck and feel the warmth of his body behind me. Oh, if I just leaned back and cuddled against his chest...

Right as these thoughts were spiralling further down into my unfulfilled fantasies of cuddles and cutesy kisses (and okay, maybe a few more dirtier thoughts too), Mikey laughed loudly at me. "You're so jumpy!"

"And you're annoying,"I groaned and walked away with my plate in hand. If he was mean he wouldn't get food.

I flopped down on the sofa with Mikey next to me. He leaned his head on my shoulder, making me tense up for a second. Immediately, I tried to relax and hoped that he didn't notice.

Apparently, he didn't because he just nuzzled his face closer in my neck while I ate the sandwich. His breath tickled my skin and made a shiver appear. Almost like a kiss. Mikey sighed.

"I'm so tired," he complained.

I stroked his arm and cooed with a baby-voice: "Poor boy."

That made him scoff and he poked his fingers in my side, tickling me. "What did you just say?"

I laughed and squirmed away from Mikey's hands. For a moment, I considered to tease him more but then decided that he had to bear enough for the day. I mean, he just played one of their biggest concerts so far and looked like he could fall asleep any minute.

But I didn't want that so I suggested: "You up for some video games?"

At the mention of that, Mikey sat up straight and stole a piece of my sandwich in the process. "Hell yeah."

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