take your hand in mine, it's ours tonight

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As soon as I watched the car of my parents leave the driveway, I grabbed my phone from the nightstand to text my boyfriend that he could come over now. Not even twenty seconds later, I got a be there in five back.

With a smile of excitement on my face, I started to tidy up my room a little bit. It definitely needed this, considering the various clothes that were flying around along with my sketchbooks, pencils and colour tubes.

The fact that I was this excited was rooted in the lack of actual time I could spend with Mikey alone. Yes, we saw each other at school but that was about it.

My dad certainly didn't approve of 'this troublemaker, look at that attitude, he won't make it far in life and is not good enough for you'. The first time I had brought Mikey over, he hadn't given him the chance to introduce himself before he had already formed an opinion based on what he looked like. And Mikey hadn't even been wearing bad clothes, just a tight black jeans and an open button up with a white shirt underneath. I even convinced him to shower and he had his contacts in. So overall more or less the perfect boyfriend.

Still, my father hated him from the minute he set foot in our home and immediately made me break up with him the next day. While my mother stood silently on the side and watched. Obviously, it had been pretty tense at home since then.

What followed had been the worst few weeks of my life. I was merely a shadow of myself as Mikey really made me happy and always knew how to cheer me up. But getting broken up with over text was harsh and I would avoid myself too if I was Mikey.

Thank God for Andy and Frank who actually saw how hurt we were and pushed us back together. And now we were as happy as always and my parents were out of town for the weekend. I was in heaven.

Finally some quality time and not these dumb rushed make-out-sessions underneath the bleachers. I hadn't been able to get out without my parents controlling me so we couldn't just secretly meet up. Not that we didn't try but sneaking out in the dead of night was tiring after some time.

So deep in thought about all the fun and cute stuff we could do in the next two days, I almost missed the doorbell.

But only almost so now, I practically flew there and looked right into the beautiful eyes of my boyfriend. "Hey, Darling."

"Mikey!" I exclaimed and threw myself at him with enough force that he stumbled a little before he caught me around the waist.

He hugged me just as tight as he did a few hours earlier in the parking lot of the school. "Missed me?"

I rolled my eyes, refusing to answer because it was obvious. Instead, I made him come inside and dragged him straight to my room.

That made Mikey giggle. "Jeez, eager, aren't we?"

"Shut up," I grinned just as broadly as him as I turned around to shove him lightly, "you put your stuff away and then we'll cook dinner. No funny stuff."

I swore that I could hear a 'damn' being muttered behind my back but chose to ignore it. We had plenty of time for this later.

For now, we settled on making pizza. Well, more fooling around than actually baking but it was fun. By the end of it, we were both covered from head to toe in flour.

"Great, now we need to shower before we can do anything else," I groaned and wiped my forehead.

I didn't like the mischievous grin on my boyfriend's face. "Or we could just get naked."

"Mikey!" I shrieked and ran from his grabbing hands and swatted them away playfully. "Not now! Why are you so horny today?"

Immediately, his joking expression fell and was replaced by a guilty one. "Sorry, Darling. I'm mainly joking, didn't mean to offend you or pressure you into anything."

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