love a bit unexpected

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I was on my way to the library as I heard steps behind me. Naturally I turned around and saw my oldest friend and favourite servant Ray run in my direction.

"Princess, your father sent me to get you," He announced, slightly out of breath.

I rolled my eyes annoyed. Why did my father always seem to need me when I decided that I wanted to be alone?

But I didn't want to let my bad mood out on Ray so I only said, smiling: "I told you to call me Y/N."

"Well, yes but your new guards are not supposed to call you that so come on, I want to keep my job," Ray joked and extended his arm for me.

Ever since I could remember I was with Ray. His mother had been my teacher and brought him along with her and we became friends. Late, he became a servant for us. Of course I didn't treat him like he worked for my father and rather joked around with him whenever I could but we had to keep the façade for the other people around. Apparently it wasn't appropriate to be friends with a normal person when you're the princess and only child of the king. Pff, boring.

Anyway, now we were on our way and I whispered so only Ray could hear: "What does my father want now? Is it again about this stupid Duke who won't leave him alone about marrying me?"

Ray tried to suppress his giggle at my annoyed voice. "No, I think it is important, he sounded urgent."

Well that wasn't good. My father always kept his cool but the moment you could tell that something stressed him out, he was near a breakdown. I mean, he was a great father and all and really loved me but he was the king of a country too and had responsibilities so he could come off as cold to most people.

The rest of the way we walked in silence. I wondered what could be so important and for what he needed me.

"There you are, my beautiful princess!" Oh, no this tone meant he wanted me to do something for him. My father almost never complimented me when he didn't have a reason.

So I stayed suspicious and asked instead of answering to his words: "Why do you asked for me father? How can I help you?"

Luckily we were in his private rooms so only Ray, me and him were here. I saw the way he tried to hide his weariness about the thing he was about to say because he walked restlessly through the room.

"Honey, do you remember this kingdom my grandfather had declared war on and we gained some of its land?" The king started.

I nodded. "Yes, why?"

"The current king found documents that proved that we in fact stole the land and now he wants justice."

Oh Lord. We were on the verge of a war, I realised. If we wouldn't return the parts, hell would break loose if I could believe the rumours I heard. The kingdom father was talking about was said to be ruled by a fair but if needed ruthless king. Honestly I was afraid but I knew we couldn't just return the land because it was too integrated in our economy and our whole kingdom would break down if we didn't have this land anymore. There were the mines and most of the fields for the food on these pieces of land.

I hid my shaking hands in the folds of my dress. "What should we do now?"

Instead of looking at me, my father's gaze shifted to Ray next to me. "Could you leave us alone for a moment?" He demanded friendly but forcefully. We both knew it wasn't a question. Ray bowed down quickly and walked out, probably waiting for me outside.

As soon as the door was closed the king led me to a chair and made me sit down. This couldn't be good. He gave me a somehow soft and apologising look. Now I was definitely scared.

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