cuddle cuddle cuddle

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Where was the damn lock? This morning it had been- oh fucking finally. With only half opened eyes, I managed to open the door and stumbled in. By now, I was almost asleep. The day had been awfully long and I just wanted to be held by Mikey and ignore the world. Was that too much to ask for?

"Darling? Is that you?" My boyfriend shouted from somewhere inside the house. Maybe the kitchen. Nah, the living room.

Without answering, I went on my search for him and found him in the living room, sprawled out on the sofa. He was watching a random show. Oh, how jealous I was at the moment that he was in a world famous band and didn't have normal working hours. I, on the other hand had let myself get talked into extra hours because my coworker had a date. Ugh, I was too nice at times. But they were cute together, was I supposed to say no?

Mikey looked up and saw me standing in the middle of the room and opened his arms for me with a gentle smile. He could tell with just one look that I needed a hug. "C'mere, darling. You look exhausted."

Immediately, I took the offer and fell on top of him. Mikey made a little noise that made me chuckle softly as I squeezed his body. He was sooo warm. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his chest. Mikey drew circles with his hands on my back, making the muscles there relax instantly. I loved when he did this.

We stayed like this for a while as Mikey let me calm down. His hands kept moving gently and gave me back warmth after the cold winter air outside. At one point, my boyfriend reached for a blanket and put it over us.

"Feeling better now?" Mikey whispered into the silence and kissed the top of my head.

I nodded. "Thank you, baby."

"You wanna tell me what happened?"

I sighed. "Just a really long day and I want to just stay here and never move again."

Mikey chuckled quietly and readjusted us a bit so we were completely laying down. I tightened my grip around his neck and kissed his jawline lazily. "That can be arranged."

I started to get drowsy and eventually fell asleep with the murmur of the TV in the background and Mikey's steady heartbeat under my ear.

As I woke up, I was alone. Huh? Where was Mikey? I sat up and rubbed my eyes tiredly. The blanket fell in my lap and I adjusted it over my cold legs properly.

Before I could get up and look for him, my boyfriend walked back into the living room with a tray in hands.

"Oh, you're awake! I thought that you'd like some dinner by now," Mikey explained and put down the things on the coffee table.

He had cooked my favourite soup with some bread on the plate next to it. It smelled delicious and my mouth began to water. I loved this man so much. "I'm actually quite hungry, thanks."

Eager, I took the spoon and ate. Mikey had brought himself a bowl too so we fell into yet another comfortable silence while eating. I loved that about him so much. We could be quiet for hours and each do separate things and still I felt like I was having the time of my life together with him. We gave each other space when we needed it and still could be with each other. I felt truly at home with Mikey no matter whether I was with him on tour or just in our house like now.

By now, my mood had increased significantly and I started to ask Mikey about what they were working on currently.

"We're hanging at that one riff. You wanna listen to it?" Mikey told me, already getting up to get his bass.

I laughed and shouted after him: "Sure, baby!"

He came back in the living room and played a few notes. Then he held up his finger to show me what the problem was. "And here, nobody knows what to do next. Ray said we just should sleep a night over it. Maybe we will find something if we don't stress ourselves too much."

"Wait," I got up and walked over to Mikey. He had taught me some basics because I was getting tired of not knowing what they were talking about what now came in handy. "What if you play instead of this note, a little higher accord?"

I showed him what I meant, taking the bass away from him. Then, I improvised a little bit, basically just fooling around. Mikey stared at me wide-eyed. "Darling you're a genius! Quick, write that down!"

He jumped for a piece of paper and a pencil and scribbled down the notes I just played. Woah, I didn't expect that much of a reaction.

I stood around, smiling happily that I could help and waited for Mikey to finish. My day had just improved significantly with that.

Mikey returned my grin enthusiastically and came back to me, took the bass from my hands and placed a hand in my neck with which he pulled me to him to kiss me passionately.

After a few seconds, I had to pull away to get some air back into my lungs unfortunately. His breathing was just as uneven as mine and we stared into each others eyes deeply. I could see the love glowing in them and I was sure he could see it in mine, too.

"Woah. I'll help more with your music if I get that reaction," I broke the tension, giggling. Oh, how I loved how fast he could change my mood and how he could still give me that tingly feeling in my stomach.

Mikey only laughed and put his instrument away, shaking his head. "You're cute."

"You too!" I exclaimed happily and fell back down on the sofa.

So much for my burst of energy. Despite the nap, I started to get tired again. "Mikeyyy?"


I put on my puppy-eyes and yawned for effect. "Can we please go to bed now?"

Mikey rolled his eyes but pulled me off the sofa and took my hand. "Yup"

We made ourselves ready for bed as fast as possible. Mikey was finished first and waited for me, opening his arms again for me to crawl into them.

And I did and made myself comfortable on his chest where I drew random patterns with my fingers.

"You're the best at cheering me up," I whispered and kissed his neck.

I could feel his grin as Mikey rested his face in my hair and kissed it. "That's my job as your boyfriend."

"I love you, y'know?" I yawned.

"I love you too, darling. Go to sleep, you had a long day."


I just needed something extra cute okay? Anyway, I really really want cuddles right now if you couldn't already tell.

Have a lovely day/night/whatever guys💜

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