something chaotically cute

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I came home and the house was completely quiet. On a normal day I wouldn't think anything about it and be happy to just fall onto the sofa and rest until Mikey got home so I could get some love like the needy person I was. But not today because the band was supposed to be here.

So naturally, I was quite suspicious of the silence. Four men that made the most noise I could think of with just their existence plus various instruments and the house was dead. They totally did something they shouldn't. "Guys? Where are you?"

I didn't get an answer but I also didn't expect one. On my way to the living room, I put away my coat and grabbed my phone just in case. Who knew whether I needed to call an ambulance. Yes, I already had to once because Frank had had the magnificent idea that a jump out of the second floor wouldn't harm him.

And the idiot had a fucking song lyric dedicated to this bullshit. But Gerard and him together were a safety hazard to everyone including themselves even off stage. To be fair, they all were amazing people and I was just a little pissed off at the moment. Didn't change the fact that something was up.

Finally, I reached the living room. No signs of the boys. That was getting scary. "Mikey? What's going on?"

Still no reply.


The next room I went to check was the kitchen. Oh yes, at least here were some signs of them. A little note was attached to the fridge and for a split second my brain went to the worst case scenario that Mikey was leaving me with a fucking note. Well, that'd be quite the asshole move.

Luckily, it didn't explain his sudden hatred for me and just said: oops. We'll be back later

Still not very reassuring but I took what I could get. Maybe they had a song idea and went to the studio to record it immediately? But why didn't he call me then? And what was that 'oops' supposed to mean?

Sighing, I opened the fridge and got myself something small to eat. Of course, it was significantly emptier than I left it this morning but I didn't expect anything else.

Then, I went back to my beloved sofa and fell down on it. Looking around, I noticed that something about the room felt off but I couldn't put my finger on it.

I tried to ignore the feeling but it didn't work. "Damnit."

Was something missing? Seriously, the room seemed empty. Oh. The coffee table was gone.

Now, I took out my phone, not even bothering to go look for it somewhere else. Oh, these idiots.

"Hey Darling!" Mikey greeted me with an overly cheering voice. I could hear murmuring in the background, most likely his band mates. Also his voice had that nervous shake that he only got when he tried to hide something from me. Mikey was a terrible liar.

I chuckled. "You know that I would find out eventually that the coffee table is missing, right?"

"Uhm..." I could almost see him fumble around with his phone.

"Just get back you maniacs from wherever you are. The silent house is kind of scary without you," I sighed exasperated. It was nearly impossible to stay mad at them and I didn't have the energy at the moment.

They all breathed out in relief. I could hear it through the phone what was impressive. Damn, I loved it when they were scared of me.

As they got back, I opened the door with a frown, my hands on my hips. "And now you tell me what the hell happened to the poor table."

"Ha, well that's a funny story..." Gerard started, rubbing the back of his neck.

"How was your day, Darling?" Mikey came over to me, hugging me tightly and kissing the top of my head. I leaned into the touch, craving the love behind it after that shock.

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