Chapter 19

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Mario's Office in MM >>>

Mario POV

It's been about a week since the family vacation. Nothing else important happened after me and Jasmine....made up. We had fun and shit. Ant almost called his lawyer about a divorce because he found dirt on his shoes. Tammy was damn near about to stab him.

"Loriana, if you make a mess, I'm never letting you eat ice cream in here again." I said as I let Lori walk in to my office before me.

I'm watching Lori until 7 pm because Jasmine is a work. I'm happy she has a legit job now though.

"I'm not a baby." she mumbled. I shook my head as I closed my door. She is 100% Jasmine's daughter.

"You are not grown little girl." I said, pointing my finger at her. She sighed and tried to roll her eyes.

I sat down in my chair and opened my laptop. Before I got to work, I lowered the shades over my glass walls.

As I got started on some paperwork, my door opened but I didn't bother looking up to see who it was.

"Lil nigga, you can't even move your face from that laptop." I laughed as I heard that deep and husky voice.

"What's up Uncle Marc." I said as I stood up and shook hands with him.

"Nothing much. Been chilling with the misses and my daughter. I see you have yours today." he said smiling at Loriana. Loriana waved then went back to watching television. "So I came to talk to you about investing in my liquor."

"Alright. So what is it. What type of liquor is it?"

"A line of vodka except this one not being strong. Like a sweet type of vodka." I nodded as he talked.

"Well, I'm interested. I wouldn't mind investing a couple thousand so that you can get it started. You're like a father to me so it's no problem." I said.

"That's wassup. You know a nigga been done with that street bullshit ever since Amanda got kidnapped." he said. I nodded and leaned back in my chair.

"Sane here. You know, I still don't know who shot me and I don't know who took me to the hospital."

"Don't nobody know that shit. We were all already at the hospital when you were being pulled in to the hospital but the person that brought you to the hospital left according to the nurses." he said shrugging.

"That whole thing was just...confusing when you think about it. Like why would this nigga go through all this shit, killing your brother and kidnapping his wife, and bombing planes and shit, just to get shot like its nothing at the end of the day. Nobody knew who this nigga was."

"It was all easy as fuck but I'm not about to dig back in to that shit. I don't have time nor do I have energy to figure it out. Shits been quiet for 4 years and I ain't about to wake anything on." he said, putting his hands up.

"I understand. I need a favor though." I said. He sighed then nodded his head. "I need you to do a background check on a nigga named Randy. I don't know his last name but I know he is from Atlanta."

"There is probably hella Randy's in ATL. Get me his phone number then I can track him and get a full name. I can pull up his phone records and all that shit."

Get his phone number? Only way I can do that is getting it from Jasmine but without her knowing. How the fuck am I about to do that?

"Aight. I got you." I said.


"Lori, open the door for mommy." I said. She jumped up and ran to the door. I couldn't help but laugh.

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