Chapter 20

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Jasmine POV

"Attention ladies!" Monica yelled, getting everyone's attention.

It's 15 minutes until we open and as usual people are already lined up at the door waiting for it to open. I looked at Monica and she had some girl next to her. I mean, she's pretty but pretty basic.

"This is Gloria. She is new so show her some love." Monica said, introducing her. "Your station is over there righ tnext to Jasmine." She said. Of course it is.

Gloria walked over here then placed her bag on top of her table. She turned to me smling and held out her hand. I plastered a smile on my face and shook her hand.

"Hi, I'm Gloria."

"I'm Jasmine. It's nice to meet you." I said. She just kept smiling at me.

"You're even prettier in person than in pictures." She said, confusing me.

"What do you mean? Do you follow me on instagram or something?" I asked.

"Of course? But you are also all over the blogs. Rumor has it that you and THE Mario Ramirez are an item. Personally, I was shocked because Mario Ramirez has never been photographed with a girl more than once and you guys were caught together on many occassions." She babbled. She talks a lot and it is sort of annoying.

"Well, rumor has it wrong. We are just old firends." I said, trying to not give this girl to much information.

Honestly, ever since the whole fiasco 4 years ago, I have been very careful with who I befriend or even associate myself with. People are sneaky as hell these days so I try my best to keep my circle small.

"Ok girl. Have you met his daughter yet? They are so cute together and she is just the cutest little girl ever. I wish she was daughter." She said. I just nodded. It's just awkward someone talking about my daughter like that.

I was saved by talking soon filling the salon because we were now open. A lot of the girls that came didn't even have an appointment. I am book all day with appointments so I don't have to worry about them thankfully.


"You're all done girl." I told the woman that was sitting in my chair.

"I love it. Thank you Jasmine. I will see you in 2 weeks." She said then handed me a hundred dollar bill then went to the front desk to pay.

"Damn!" Gloria exclaimed, "The most I have made in tips all day is 40 dollars." She said. What does she expect?

"Well, honey, you have only been workng here for a day so people don't know you. Give it a couple of months." I said then sat in my chair. My feet are killing me.

The salon door opened and I turned around to see a tall and muscular man dressed in a suit with sunglasses on. He was carrying a big bouquet of white roses in his arms. It looked like 2 dozen roses.

"I was ordered to deliver these flowers by Mr. Mario Ramirez to a Ms. Jasmine Jean. Is she here?" He asked, looked around.

"Um, that's me." I said slowly. He nodded and walked over to me. He placed the flowers on to my table and handed me a card. "Thank you." I said. he didn't reply and left out the salon.

"Ooooo, she got billionaires sending her flowers now!" Monica yelled. I laughed and playfully rolled my eyes. "Girl read the card!"

"Some pretty flowers for our pretty woman to bighten up your day. We hope you are having a good day. ~Mario and Loriana." I read out loud. That really put a smile on my face.

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