Chapter 13

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Jasmine POV

I took a deep breath before I entered the salon I use to work at. I miss it so much. It feels really weird to be in here after 4 years.

"Jasmine?!" I looked for who was screaming my name and seen a very pregnant Monica running towards me with a hot comb in her hand. "I can't believe it's you!" She said, hugging me tightly.

"I can't believe it's you! You're pregnant!" I squealed, touching her stomach. She looked ready to pop.

"I know right! Where have you been? You literally disappeared off the face of the earth." she joke.

"I went to Atlanta for a little but I'm back now. How has the shop been?" I asked, looking aroun at all the people waiting to get their hair done.

"Better than ever. Business has been booming lately." She said, going back to the girls head she was doing and I followed her.

"Aww. I miss it here so much. Even the gossip that goes around." I said.

"Mhm. Latest talk of the salon is your little boyfriend Mario Ramirez. Magazines got pictures of him with the cutest little girl saying it's his daughter. Is it true?" She asked, arching an eyebrow. I groaned and ran my hand through my curly hair.

"It's true." I said.

"So he went ahead and had a baby on your ass. Oo, I should burn his tongue with this comb." she said, swinging the hot comb around. I could help but laugh.

"No, he didn't. The little girl is my daughter...well our daughter." I said. She gasped and have me another hug.

"Oh wow! Congratulations! Why am I just hearing about this...why is the public just hearing about this? That little girl isn't a baby no more." she said.

"Well, I had the baby in Atlanta and Mario just found out." she gasped again and looked at me.

"You are not serious! How could you just not tell him about his daughter. Like at all?!" I sighed and leaned against the wall.

"I know. I had my reasons though. But now he is just being ridiculous. Like he won't get over it worth shit."

"How do you expect the man to get over it? That is four years of shit to get over. Have you guys talked things out yet?" I shook my head no and she sighed.

"I think you guys should really talk. You guys can't be selfish because you now have a daughter in the mix. Whatever you guys do individually or together effect that child. Having desperate parents that can't have a simple ass conversation isn't a good environment for her." She advised.

"Thanks Monica. You're like the big sister I always wanted but instead I have Anthony." I said, laughing a little.

"Girl, he is fine as shit so I wouldn't be complaining."

"Girl, you are pregnant and he is married with a son." She shrugged her shoulders and finished up on the girls hair. "I was I still have. A job here if I wanted?" I asked.

That's really why I came here because I need to find some type of way to make some money. I do not really want to touch the money that my father left me and that Anthony continues to add to. I would rather leave that for Loriana once she gets older.

"Of course you do. You're lucky to because Nini just moved to Houston with her husband." she said.

"Nini found a man to live up to her standards?" I asked, very surprised.

"Yup. I met the man. It's like she made him herself because he was just perfect. He was tall, dark, handsome, and rich. They are very cute together." she said. I nodded and looked at her empty station.

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