Chapter 12

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Jasmine POV

"So how do you feel about everything?" I asked my mom as I sat in my old kitchen, facing her.

She took a sip of her wine and let out a deep sigh.

"I'm hurt because I feel like you can't come to me about your problems." I frowned and looked at her deeply.

"I love you mom but in all honesty, I can't. You are not that approachable, especially back then. You were always trying to control everything that it sometimes came off as you not giving a fuck." I said, shrugging.

"Don't cuss Jasmine. It isn't lady like." I gasped and shook my head.

"Did you not listen to anything I just said?! There you go again. You're always trying to control everything!" I raised my voice. This is unbelievable.

"This is how I have always been so I would advise you to get over it. You are being pretty disrespectful right now so I would change that if I was you. I'm still your mother." she told me, sternly.

"I'm a grown ass woman and a mother myself. I'm gonna talk how I want to." I said, getting up.

"Just another thing that disappoints me. You going around having children and you're not even married." she said, shaking her head.

"Oh cut the bullshit mother. You had Anthony way before dad asked you to marry him. Don't act like as if you were never a babymomma." I said rolling eyes. I grabbed my keys and my purse, preparing myself to leave.

"So you're just done with this conversation?" She asked, looking me up and down.

"It never turned in to one! I'm gone." I walked out before she could even say anything.


"Hey mama's baby!" I screamed as Loriana ran in to my arms.

She is still with her dad for another 4 days but Summer had her for the afternoon and asked me to meet her at the mall.

"I miss you." she said. I let her go and kissed her forehead. I looked at her hair and arched and eyebrow.

"Who did her hair?" I asked, touching the neat bun.

"Mario's assistant. She was there all day yesterday." Summer said. I scrunched up my face. I held Loriana's hand as we started walking.

"So Mario is just crazy now. How is he going to tell me he doesn't like Loriana around people HE doesn't know but brings my daughter around a bitch I don't know? If I call him out on his bullshut now, he will threaten to take my daughter away. I'm so close to shooting your brother." I said in a frustrated tone.

Mario is the biggest hypocrite ever! I can't believe him right now. I'm so fed up with his bullshit and how he has been treating me. He is acting like as if I cheated on him and had a baby on him. I'm 100% sure that he has been around fucking other bitches but I have been faithful as shit even though we ain't together. He wants to call me every name in the book but turn around and live up to those names.

"I called him out on his shit yesterday morning but he just dismissed it like as if it was nothing. He said he would fuck his assistant before he ever fucks you again."

I can't lie and say that, that didn't hurt. What I can say is that he would be lucky to ever be able to touch all this again because that possibility is as dead as my father.

"I don't give a fuck about what his bitch ass says. I can't use anymore of my energy to give a fuck. What he needs to do is keep my name out of his mouth unless it has something to do with our daughter." I said shrugging.

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