Chapter 16

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Jasmine POV

"Lori, do you need help packing?" I asked her, peaking in to her room.

She was going through her closet and organizing her outfits. I swear this little girl acts like she is 12 years old.

"No mommy. I'm almost done. Mommy, can I call daddy?" She asked. I sighed and gave her my phone.

As she called him I walked to my room to finish packing. Lori has only been home for a few hours and she already wants to talk to Mario. I love that she likes him but it's hard having to share my Princess.

Me and Mario didn't really have a conversation when he dropped her off because he was rushing to work. I mean....I don't think I wanted to talk to him anyways.

Randy checked in to a hotel this morning since I'm not going to be home for a week. He is going back to Atlanta the day after I come back which sucks. I wanted to spend way more time with him.

"Mommy, daddy wants to talk!" Lori yelled, coming in to my room. Once I took the phone, she ran off.


"Hey Jas. I'm sorry that I was in such a rush this morning. I wasn't able to ask how you're doing."

"It's fine. I'm fine by the way. Just settling in to a routine. I'm getting ready for this LA trip right now."

"I have to pack for that once I get home. Hopefully, you, me and Loriana can spend some family time together. It is way overdue." I smiled like as if he could see me.

"I would love that and I know Lori will."

"Good. I have to get back to work so I will see you tomorrow on the plane."

"Ok. Bye Mario." I said before hanging up.

I smiled then but my bottom lip to make me stop. I'm just really excited to finally have a family and spend time as a family. Me and Mario being on good terms is the best thing to happen in a while. It really does release a lot of stress.

I do find myself day dreaming about Mario, Loriana, and me as a REAL family. Like the house and the family dinners and taking family photos. All of that good stuff. But then I remember everything and that thought just leaves my mind.

I would rather be realistic than get my hopes up and run after a guy that isn't going to want me anyways. I feel like Randy would be a realistic choice. He isn't going anywhere in my life anytime so I don't see a reason why I can't fit him in to my life more...permanently.

Mario POV

"Hey boy." Violet said after she closed my office door. "No Loriana today?"

"Nah, she is with her mom. Wassup?" I asked, looking up from my laptop.

"Why did you email me to clear your schedule for the whole week?"

"I have a family vacation thing. My best friends wife planned it so u have to go. Plus, I get to spend more time with my daughter." I said, smirking.

Surprisingly, I miss Lori coming to work with me and blasting her shows on my television and me, her and Violet playing board games.

"Look at the mean boss actually happy." She joked.

"So I'm mean now?" I laughed.

"Hell yah. When I first started working here I was scared shitless of you because I seen you fire 3 people in one day. I needed this job so I just fell all the way back."

"Damn, I was mean."

"Yup. You still were until Loriana came around. It's like now you have a reason to be nice."

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