Chapter 4

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Jasmine POV

"Mommy! I finshed!" Loriana said, running in to my room. I laughed and stood up straight. She pulled me in to her room and I looked at all of her Jordans all organized and in their boxes and her clothes folded in to her luggages.

"Good job baby. Where are the rest of your shoes?" I asked. She pointed to them neatly aligned and I nodded.

"Good job baby. I made you lunch so go downstairs and eat." I said. She ran past me and down the stairs. I sighed and went back in to my room.

I thank Jesus that I have such a smart and cooperative daughter. When I told Loriana that we were moving she really didn't care. She was excited to go through her shoes and pack. That little girl loves her shoes...a lot. If that was a genetic trait, she would most definitely get it from her father.

I went back in to my room and duck taped the last box of stuff for my room. I looked around at my basically empty room which only held the air bed that me and Loriana are sleeping on since we already removed the beds from the house. I can't believe that I am actually moving back to Chicago after 4 long years. I don't know what to expect and I don't think that I am going to go and look for my family and I doubt that I will run in to them.

I am nervous on how they treat me or how they will react to seeing me and how they will react to Loriana. Nobody...and I mean NOBODY back in Chicago knows about Loriana. Not even Summer. I just didn't want to tell them because they would want me to move back and I wasn't ready.

I really do know that leaving at that time was foul as fuck but nobody will understand how stressed out I was and I was fucking depressed staying there. Knowing that I can't just drive over to Mario's house and relax with him because he could possibly die any second. That is HARD in case you didn't know. I loved Mario with everything in me. I honestly still do which is why I am scared to face him. He is going to be mad, upset, confused, and probably never want to see me again.

I don't see anything positive with seeing my family again even though I know it is going to have to happen at some point but I hope I can with hold it for a long time. The fact that I am moving there tomorrow...I'm going to need Jesus!

Mario POV

"So big brother." Summer said, coming in to my room and jumping on to my bed. I looked away from my phone and at her. She has some smile on her face that I didn't like.

"What did you do and how much is it going to cost me?" I asked, letting out a heavy sigh. If she crashed her car again, she better go and purchase her ass a bus pass.

"Nothing! Why do I always have to have done something?"

"Because you're Summer. Now what do you want?" I asked, looking back at my phone and continued to reply to emails.

"So you know how your club is opening in 2 days..." I looked at her so that she can go on. "I was wondering if me and a few friends can come to the opening." She let out quickly.

"Hell no." I said slowly and clearly. She started to pout and folded her arms across her chest.

"Why not! You're my brother and I want to be there to support you." She said, trying to convince me but it sure as hell wasn't working.

"Summer, this ain't no damn teenage club or some shit. I'm not smuggling some little ass girls in to my club so that I can get shut down before I even get it off it's feet. You got me fucked up. This club ain't for child, aight." I said. She huffed and got up.

"This isn't fair, I hope you know." She mumbled as she walked towards the door.

"I don't give a damn if you think it is fair or not. Lemme find out you step one foot in to that place." I warned her. She rolled her eyes and walked out of the room.

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