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Adore POV

After the flight, we took a cab to the hotel. LA was different. It felt more like home, which I was definitely not expecting.

"So we're staying here until we go on our honeymoon?" I ask, flopping onto the huge hotel bed.

"Yeah. I have 2 meetings, later today and tomorrow morning. Going to see the house the day after tomorrow. If we like it enough to spend half of my savings on it, we'll form a lease the day before we go." Bianca explains, unpacking her work things and outfits, turning to me when she's finished.

"You plan things too much, have a some spontaneity mami."

"Says the one that has numerous plans for our honeymoon." She chuckles, kneeling on the bed and hovering over me. "What are they?"

"I'm not telling you. That would ruin the surprise." I smile, cupping her face and kissing her sweetly. "So don't go through my bag please."

"I won't, but what would I find if I did?" Bianca mumbles, kissing down my jaw.

"That's the same as telling you what I have planned!" I giggle, my hands knotting in her hair. "But I promise you'll fucking love it."


The cab pulls up at some tall as fuck gates, the driver telling us that she's not allowed to go in without permission.

"I'll call the realtor. Forgot to mention that we wouldn't be able to get in." Bianca sighs, climbing out of the cab to make the call. I awkwardly sit and wait, before getting way too awkward and passing the driver the money and telling her to go.

"Realtors coming to the gate now, why'd you get rid of the cab? I don't like walking."

"She was staring daggers at me, okay." I giggle, pulling my bag onto my back.

"You're so paranoid." She chuckles along, pulling me off the road, her hands staying on my hips. "I love you."

"Love you too, willow." I murmur, kissing Bianca softly. Soon enough, the gates open and a man in a golf cart is sat the other side. I squeal and run over, jumping onto the cart, greeting the man with a wide smile.

"You're definitely Adore, right? I'm Steve." The realtor smiles, shaking my hand when I reach out.

"Mhmm. And that's my gorgeous wife, Bianca. I cannot wait to see this house." I squeak, clutching biancas hand when she sits down next to me.

"The house is stunning, you'll both fall in love with it." He grins, driving away from the gate. The houses we pass are so modern and fancy, making me feel lowkey intimidated. This neighborhood is so different to the neighborhood I grew up in, and the sorts of places I always used to live. I can't believe my entire life has done a whole 180 in 2 years. I'm fucking married.

"Now, this entry way is the most modern area. It was rebuilt before we put it on the market. Would you like a tour first and then free roaming?" Steve explains, walking us through the front door and into the entry. I gawk at how high the ceiling is, mostly thinking of how big I can convince Bianca to let me have the Christmas tree.

"Yeah that sounds great. Also, don't mind her, she's easily impressed." Bianca chuckles, grabbing my hand to lead me to follow Steve.

"Now that I've given you the full tour, you have up to an hour of free roaming, come and find me when you're done. I'll be in the TV room."

"Okay thank you." I smile, before dragging Bianca in the opposite direction.

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