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Heh 😏


Adore POV

After I recorded my chosen song, about 15 times to make sure it didn't sound absolutely awful, I get myself dressed into something cute to go meet Frankie. He finally decided to come down for a few days and he wanted a tour around the highlights of new York. He also wouldn't let me bring Chad so I kinda stole Bianca's Merc so we could get places quicker. I'm not allowed to use public transport anymore so I figured borrowing one of her cars would be what Bianca would suggest. not that that's going to stop me getting the train to Brooklyn with my brother though. 

Luckily I still remember all my driving lessons, and my license picture doesn't look too different to me now, so it was all safe.

So, I grab one of the premade smoothies marco made yesterday and leave, not forgetting the car keys. The man at the desk was new, and when he noticed me walk out the elevator he looked like he was about to throw up. What did I do? Is there a booger in my nose?

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?" I ask, walking towards him slightly. He shakes his head violently and spews out about 5 apologies for staring before I shut him up. "What the fuck? Why are you so scared of me?"

"I'm really sorry for staring it's just my first day and I've been told to be very careful around you and Miss Del Rio." He stutters.

"Oh honey, bless your soul. You don't need to be scared of us, my fiancée is just a bit much with protecting her reputation, and me of course." I say with a smile. He relaxes slightly, smiling back.

"You're a lot nicer than emily said you'd be. I'm Ben, it's my first day on the desk." He speaks, standing up and holding his hand out for me to shake, which I do.

"Emily? Oh my god is that the bosses relative or something?"

"Yeah, she chews gum a lot." He chuckles.

"Yeah she isn't very nice, steer clear of her. Well I hope you have a good first day and I'm sorry that I scared you, I promise I'm really sweet. And so is Bianca when she isn't pissed off. I might see you when I get back."

"Have a good day, ma'am." He smiles, sitting back down as I leave the building. I figure out how to get to the underground parking and eventually find the car I want, climbing in on the drivers side. That felt weird.

The drive to the bungalow was short, and frankie was already stood outside waiting for me to pick him up, how adorable. he climbs in quickly, grinning my way before pulling his seatbelt across his chest. 

"hey, sis." 

"whats up, dork." I giggle back as I drive away from the house, in the direction of taco bell. 

"what took you so long? I didn't think it would take you that long to get here." 

"new desk boy, wanted to say hi. so, anything new back home?" I ask, focusing on the road. 

"nah not really, nothing changes back there. everything's so still." Frankie speaks with a sigh. he never really loved stillness, or Azusa, he only stayed for mom and his girlfriend. "anything exciting happening with you?" 

"there is one thing but I don't know how well its going to work out, Bianca's very into it though." 

"well what is it?" he asks with a grin, nudging my shoulder. 

"I just recorded one of my songs so that Bianca can send it to one of her producer friends, to see if he's interested in signing me." I mumble, turning into the taco bell drive thru. 

"oh my god are you serious!" Frankie exclaims, jumping in his seat excitedly. 

"like a suspicious lump on your tit." 

"ok ew. but I am so fucking excited for you! this is so huge!" he continues, still very happy. I cant help but smile at how happy he is for me, but the anxiety of some complete stranger hearing my voice over a CD remained in the pit of my stomach. he calms down as we order and collect our food, though he doesn't stop gushing about how amazing Bianca is that she could set it up, and how far I've come with my confidence and a lot of other soppy shit. I chuckle at some of the things he says as I drive us to a wood clearing so we can eat. it was one of my favourite spots when I felt anxious, like I do now. 

"alright we can change the topic now, I'm hungry and you've spoken a lot." I whine jokingly, grabbing my food from the bags and taking a sip of my drink. 

"okay I'll stop." he chuckles, stuffing some fries into his mouth. "so where are we?" 

"my favourite calm spot. I don't come too often but its really nice here." 

"where else are we going? I wanna get the full new York experience." 

"oh you will. we're going to central park first, then places like the empire state building and the statue of liberty. then taking the car back home so we can get the train to Coney island. sound fun?" I explain while he eats, him nodding along with a smile. 

"we're gonna have so much fun." he grins, mouth full of mushed up nachos. lovely.


after the long day I spent with Frankie I had to get to work fucking quickly. I make it with just enough time to get changed and put my makeup on before the kitty girls first performance. Bianca was planning on meeting me at work so I scan for her smile, finding it quickly and smiling back. we do our sets and finally go back stage 2 and a half hours later, Bianca standing and following us off stage. 

"hey baby, how was your day?" she asks, walking over to me at my vanity. I smile and pull her into a kiss, linking my arms around her neck. 

"amazing, thank you." 

"good to hear."

"hello girls." melody speaks from the doorway, making me frown. "Bianca how many times am I going to tell you that you cant come back here. dancers only." 

"and how many times have I said to stick a prickly dildo up your ass in reply?" Bianca retorts, giving the girl the stink eye. 

"she's allowed back here, melody. Brooke's allowed back here, Katya's allowed back here. so Bianca is as well. you're just threatened by her presence." I huff, standing up next to Bianca. she moves her arms around my waist and links her hands at my belly button, making melody scowl. 

"her presence doesn't threaten me, adore. anyway, the reason I came in here. Trixie, you have 2 strip teases and 3 other private dances. vanjie, you got a special request for one so you have one as well. adore you're done for the night." 

"alright, thank you." Trixie sighs, standing up and walking over to her closet area to pick out her outfits. 

"I'll get changed and we can go home, I'm fucking knackered." I mumble, detaching myself from Bianca and heading towards the toilet with my clothes and makeup wipes. 


word count - 1263



Anyways, I feel like I usually write more adore and Ernie interactions rather than Frankie so I dedicated an entire chapter for that haha. 

hope you guys enjoyed!

k bye xOx

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