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Adore POV

When Bianca had finally closed the deal with the realtor after having to overpay the other 3 people that had put offers in, we headed for the Maldives. The flight was painfully long and Bianca of course tried to do work before I took her computer from her and locked myself in the bathroom until she promised not to work at all. That took about an hour though, the only reason she caved was because she seriously needed to pee.

Once we landed, I had to change in the resorts reception bathroom because I was sweating far too much to wait an hour for our room.

"I'd recommend going to Les Turquoise D'Aqua for dinner, it's so romantic and perfect for newlyweds, it'll be on your map. I hope you have an amazing stay at lily beach resort and spa, and congratulations on your marriage." I catch the deck lady say with a very big and fake smile as I come out of the bathroom. Bianca thanks her and walks over to me, pulling me out of reception and towards one of the bars.

"Where are you taking me? And are you sure our room is gonna be an hour? I wanna swim." I giggle, Bianca's hands on my waist tickling slightly.

"We're having a drink while we wait, and yes it will be. What is it with you and swimming, honestly." She laughs, stopping at an empty table for us to sit at. "What do you want?"

"Can I have alcohol?"

"Baby its our honeymoon, of course you can. And you can have as much ice cream as you want as well, I've looked at the menu for all these restaurants and it's like 50% ice cream."

"We should get married more often." I muse, resting my head on my hand.

"No, you just need to get me in an amazing mood to be this lenient. Not much will get me this happy, so I challenge you to try when we go home."

"Not only will I try, I will succeed. It will probably be harder when we're in different states, but other than that I promised to make you happy for the rest of our lives, would be awfully naughty of me to break that promise, no?" I ask, biting my lip with a cheeky smile.

"So fucking naughty. So, what would you like gorgeous?" Bianca asks, not letting me distract her in public.

"Something fruity. Like one of those smoothie looking things you always wanna buy."

"Okay, what flavour do you want me to surprise you?"

"Surprise me." I grin, watching her walk over to the bar.


"I think I might pass out

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"I think I might pass out. I've never been in such a nice room!" I exclaim, running around our suite to take it all in. The view from all 3 separate rooms, the stand alone tub, the bed. Oh my god the bedroom. It was stunning.

"I thought my dad would choose this room. It is gorgeous." Bianca speaks from the entrance room, picking up our suitcases from the gigantic sofa to bring them into the bedroom. I meet her there and go to my bag, pulling out the first bikini I could feel without opening it.

"You coming swimming? I'm going into the water, not pool."

"No, I'm gonna sunbathe for a bit. But I'll watch you swim in that skimpy bathing suit all day long."

"It sucks we're only here for a week." I mumble as I change, making it into a show for Bianca. She hums and sits on the chaise at the foot of our bed, watching me change in front of the amazing view. I just know I look fucking hot right now.

"Come here." Bianca orders, squinting her eyes as the sun flashes through the glass.

"No." I laugh, watching her facial expression change from aroused to, well, even more aroused.


"Make me."

"You have 3 seconds."

"enough time to run into the water." I muse, still giggling. Partly from amusement, partly from fear. Good fear though, always good fear. She raises an eyebrow and goes to stand up, but I manage to run, squealing excitedly.

"You little brat."

"Come catch me and you can do whatever you like to me." I shout, jumping into the water cannonball style.

"I already do anything I like to you." She replies, retreating to the room, presumably go change. I wipe the water away from my face and swim back to the edge of the decking to watch.

"You know I'm a faster swimmer than you." I speak, laying back in the water to stare at the sky. She was taking too long.

"You know that you're not strong enough to stay true to being a brat. Within the hour you'll be back to being my good girl." Bianca laughs, jumping into the water and scaring me. She catches me quickly, making me squirm.

"You caught me." I pout, trying to keep my breathing even as Bianca's hands rake up and down my sides under the water.

"I did."

"What are you gonna do?"

"Not sure yet." She mumbles, pulling me into a passionate kiss, making me moan. I feel one of her hands pull away from my side, for it to be placed on my cheek.

"Neck?" Bianca asks into the kiss, making my heart skip a beat. Still after we get married, she asks before doing. I nod and lift my chin enough for her hand to have more room, but not to break our kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you too, princess." Bianca smiles, removing the pressure on my neck to lift me up. She walks us out of the water while not breaking the kiss. Once we're put of the water, Bianca lays me down on the decking before pulling away from the kiss.

"Why'd you stop?" I ask, breathing heavily.

"What's your surprise? We're here now, show me."

"You wanted to get me horny enough to spill didn't you? Not happening. It's for tonight, or maybe tomorrow night seeing as you won't stop going on about it." I reply smugly, lifting myself off the floor slightly to lean on my forearms. Bianca furrows her eyebrows and moves closer, our foreheads touching.

"That's no fair. I can so easily just go into your suitcase."

"That's a violation of my privacy, and you wouldn't do that. Have patience, mama. It'll be worth it." I smile, kissing her sweetly.

"It better be." She huffs, kissing me again, though more strong. All the thoughts leave my head as she moves along my neck and down my chest.


Word count - 1109


Has everyone had a good christmas? Bc I did 😂 have a happy new year and please for the love of God don't jinx (😏) 2021 with all ur hopes that it'll be better 😂

K bye xOx

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