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Adore POV 

I climb out the car and thank chad, who gives me a reassuring smile.

"you'll be okay, miss adore. she doesn't bite."

"oh she does, and you know that." I chuckle, walking to the door. "thank you again!"

"of course, miss." he calls, standing by the door while I walk through the doors, and of course the snobby little brat was stood there.

"oh you're back again."

"so are you." I sigh, standing at the elevators.

"here have you been? your sugar momma seemed really depressed last night."

"she's not my sugar momma, she's my fiancée."

"oh, congratulations." she smiles, odd.

"thank you. bye." I awkwardly smile back, walking into the elevator and pressing the right floor after unlocking it. the ride up felt longer than it was, but when I finally got up there, my heart started racing. what the fuck am I supposed to say? "hi I came to check you're okay then leave again because im still mad at you." like, that's not helpful. Or nice. the doors open and I shuffle into the main living room, just as Bianca mopes out of the kitchen with a bowl of what looks like ice cream. my fucking ice cream.

"fucking hell, adore, you scared the shit outta me." Bianca exclaims, clutching her chest. I take in her appearance and bite my lip. how can one look so hot with their hair in a very messy bun, sweats and a pasta stain on her... hoodie?


"why are you here? I didn't get a message." Bianca mumbles, walking over to the couch and falling into the corner. 

"I didn't wanna tell you I was coming. are they mine?" I ask, pointing to the target sweatpants that have the same hole on the knee as mine, sitting on the other end of the couch.

"yeah. why didn't you wanna tell me?" 

"didn't want you to say no."

"like that would ever happen. why are you here? are you coming back?"

"well not until you apologize, but I got worried. you weren't in work today. didn't you have all those important meetings?"

"wasn't feeling it." Bianca mumbles, looking into her bowl.

"what's going on? talk to me."

"you're mad at me."

"doesn't mean I don't care." I huff, crossing my legs and shuffling a bit closer.

"I don't wanna."

"you sound like me."

"fine." bianca huffs, stuffing a mouthful of my fucking ice cream into her mouth to delay the inevitable. 

"I know what happens. I get too invested in someone, they take over my life, my mind, my world without even realising it, and then I say the stupidest thing or do the stupidest thing and they leave. I've never proposed to anyone, and I've never even wanted to marry anyone and I've wanted to marry you since I knew I loved you. and now you're mad and I don't know what the fuck happened because I cant even remember the fight because I'm so fucking stressed with work and my dad and the wedding and I don't know how to handle it all." Bianca exclaims, sitting up to put her bowl on the side. quiet sobs fall from her body, her shoulders shaking.

"your dad? what?" I blink, trying to register all the information.

"he's sick again." she sighs, wiping away the few tears left on her cheeks.

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