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Bianca POV

the next morning, I wake up early, as usual. Adore was curled into my side, her hair all over my face, a thing I'd usually get mad at and want to chop off, but today it felt nice. It felt familiar. I gently move our bodies until I'm laying in front of her, face to face, so I can watch her sleeping. Not creepy, promise.

Watching adore sleep was something so calming and relaxing, the sight of her peaceful face making my eyes flutter closed again. Still awake to hear adores breathing and heartbeat, but no offending sunlight. It felt like they were on honeymoon again.

"Mmph, morning." Adore grunts, barely speaking the word. I smile and lean forward, kissing her in reply. She says something incoherent that took me a moment to try and figure out before I reply with a confused huff.

"I said I didn't wanna get up." She speaks a bit clearer. I chuckle and open one eye, to see, adore doing the same thing.

"My gorgeous wife, my princess." I gush, lifting a hand to sweep her hair behind her ear. She blushes and nuzzles into my palm, kissing it lazily.

"Think the walls are thick enough for have morning shower sex? been daydreaming about it since i got here." Adore suggests, making me cackle, rolling onto my back. She snuggles into my side, like when she was sleeping, and peppers even more kisses on my bare torso.

"You're so beautiful." Adore thinks out loud, looking up at me.

"Thank you, babygirl. So are you."

"Should we get up?"

"Not yet, 5 more minutes." I utter, squeezing adores body closer, partially using her as a hot water bottle with all the natural heat she radiates. 

no POV 

soon enough, the pair finally put an end to their laziness, the smell of sweat and sex giving them a kick in the ass to get into the shower. Bianca steps into the large shower area first, figuring out the switches quickly, almost squealing when the cold water hit her back. adore took her time, brushing her hair slowly while watching Bianca clean her body. she felt so much luckier and happier than she ever thought she'd let herself get. Even after 2 and a half years, a wedding and a new house it all felt surreal, like she was going to wake up from a dream or something.

"are you gonna keep ogling me or join me?" Bianca asks, seeming rather amused at adore staring so much. so she does as she's told, not before giving the older a show first. its not as if the girl was wearing much to begin with, but nevertheless she stands at the doorway of the shower, painfully slowly removing her baggy shirt and underwear. Bianca stares with those eyes that sends a shiver down adores back, but it doesn't stop her from taking her time. 

"my legs hurt so bad." adore mumbles, walking towards the shower controls, turning on the other showerhead that stood right next to the older. 

"the hickeys?" Bianca asks, pulling her closer, her hands looping limply behind adores back. 

"you bit really hard. i have teeth marks and everything." she giggles, pointing to a few marks. 

"you should have stopped me when it hurt." 

"no i loved it, whenever i move my legs it reminds me." 

"reminds you that you're mine." Bianca grins, kissing along the marks that she had put on adores neck. goose bumps erupt down her arms, making her laugh. "so easy." 

"no i hate when you tease." adore whines, trying to stop herself from reacting so naturally to Bianca suckling at the very sensitive marks. 

"That's what makes it so fun, though. you're entire body is shivering under hot water." she muses, gripping the youngers waist just tight enough for adore to moan under her breath. 

"neck." she whines, going to lift Bianca's hand, but she pulls back, tutting a few times as her way of saying no. "it wont hurt." 

"it'll hurt in the wrong way, no. gotta wait a bit, babygirl. speaking of which, you need to shower and I'm getting pruned fingers so I'm gonna get dressed and make our breakfast. what do you want?" Bianca sighs, kissing adore before pulling away properly, climbing out and wrapping a towel around her body. 

"that's so harsh." she groans, crossing her arms and pouting her lips.

"you're cute." 

"you're mean."

"what food do you want before i pick for you?" 

"pancakes and bacon. and the fancy maple syrup Brooke gave us." adore gives in, turning away in attempt to be mad at her meanie of a wife. 

"Showing me my favourite part of your body to prove that you're mad won't work, princess. be downstairs in 15 minutes, dressed." Bianca orders lightly, implying that she's not got the time to satisfy herself. adore turns her head to scowl and stick her tongue out just like the 4 year old she was at heart. 


Chad had gone out to house hunt for the day after breakfast, giving the couple a free house. well, spare Sammy, who was gleefully sprinting circles in the backyard. they had settled on cuddling on the couch, watching some random show that had first popped up on the screen. it was so painfully domestic and adore couldn't get enough of it. 

"hey, willow?" 

"yes, princess?"

"when do you want kids?" adore asks, leaning her head up against Bianca's chest. she had settled herself between Bianca's legs, adores back to her chest. 

"i don't know to be honest, i never really though to put an age to when i wanted them. just expected it to naturally happen." she mumbles, messing with the youngers hair absentmindedly. 

"I want our first one when I'm 25, maybe 26 depending on how life is then. are we adopting first or doing insemination?" 

"I think we should do insemination first, even though you're going to be a nightmare to deal with when pregnant."

"hey, I'm your nightmare till we die. cant get rid of me now." adore giggles, turning onto her side so she can snuggle Bianca. 

"you okay, baby?" 

"just making the most of you before you need to go." 

"I'm going tomorrow night, we have loads of time."  Bianca replies quietly, kissing the top of adores head. "how are your thighs now?"

"less painful, can still feel them though."

"did you see the face chad made when he noticed your legs? it was priceless." Bianca cackles, leaning her head back so she's not laughing in adores ear. 

"I'm more surprised you didn't have a go at me for wearing a hoodie and underwear in front of him!" 

"i almost did, but then i remembered that he's almost gayer than me, and he was probably looking at your clothes, not what's under them." she grins. her fingers start getting restless, so she starts to lazily plait adores hair while she gives Sammy some love. 

"that feels so nice." adore hums, her eyes closing contently. 

"Sammy loves the attention as well." Bianca muses, nodding down to see Sammy falling asleep on adores lap while she scratched behind his ears.

"he's adorable." 


word count - 1159


i like this chapter, i like it a lot. so much fluffy cuteness with a lil bit of fun bc i cant help myself lmao. i hope you guys enjoyed!

k bye xOx

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