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~can I just totally point out I am definitely not imagining Biancas dad to be like Antonio Banderas, not me. Never.~

Bianca POV

"So, today's the big day, girl. You ready for a lifetime of commitment?" Bunny asks, sipping on his champagne.

"You've been here for 3 hours and mentioned commitment about 7 times, are you trying to hint at something, bitch?" I laugh, turning to look him in the eye.

"Uh yeah, you're the commitment-phobe getting married, of course I'm trying to hint at something. Are you actually ready for this?"

"Yes, otherwise I wouldn't have asked her to marry me, idiot. The ceremony is in 4 hours, shouldn't you start getting ready? I'm sure the last time I checked, your crusty mug takes you about that long, plus your 7 wigs that you have to style." I cackle, grabbing my champagne glass and drinking the last of it. He laughs back and sticks out his middle finger, walking out the room to get ready.

"You're lucky that I'm actually wearing the bridesmaid dress you picked out for me instead of my special occasion kaftan. Don't push your luck, queen." He shouts from the other half of my hotel room.

"You're the queen, queen." I shout back, laughing. Speaking of getting ready, where is my dad? "Hey, I'm gonna go find my dad, I need his help with something. Don't trash my room please."

"Say hi to him for me, I miss that bitch."

"Don't call my dad a bitch, hag!" I cackle, shutting the door behind me. Once I'm alone I let my anxious tears out, rushing to my dads room, praying he's in there.

"Dad?" I speak, knocking on the suite door, smiling when he opens the door.

"Hi, pumpkin. What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Anxiety, but that's not important right now. Where are moms pearls? They aren't in my room."

"Oh I got rid of them after you fell asleep last night. I don't want you wearing that horrid woman's jewellery on the best day of your life. Abuela's wedding necklace is over there, wear that. She loved you for you, not for who she wanted you to be." He explains, leading me over to hid suitcase, where a necklace sat on top. I smile and pick up the necklace, hugging him tightly.

"Love you, pa."

"Love you too, pumpkin. Go on, go get ready. I want to go meet this famous Bonnie you and Adore have told me so much about." He grins, walking me back to my room.


adore POV

"ma, i cant fit in my dress!" i shout, panicking.

"Have you tried closing the zipper?" She laughs, walking into my changing area. I glare at her momentarily before going back to my panicked state.

"I'm serious, try closing it yourself!" I whine, staring at her until she walks over. She tries, and fails, to do up the zipper, making me freak out more. "See I fucking told you!"

"Oh calm down retard, it's caught on the material. There's plenty of fabric to wrap around your tiny body."

"I am not tiny, I am huge. OW!" I squeal, rubbing the back of my head where bonnie had just slapped me. "I'm not wrong. OW stop doing that! It's my wedding day!"

"Then stop saying your huge. Your wearing a wedding dress in size small, which in normal clothes equates to an extra extra small. You are not fat, or ugly. Your zipper is up, drama queen."

"Thank you ma."

"you welcome, is there anything else you need before i go back?" 

"am i ready for this? because 3 years ago i was nowhere near ready to completely give my life up be bound to another person."

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