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Bianca POV

After the plane lands, me and adore pack our things into our Uber, riding to adore's mom's house.

"Have your family seen me since our big fight? Because I know that Ernie was with you when you left?"

"They know that we're okay now. But we haven't seen them since then, no. It'll be fine, don't worry." Adore smiles, unbuckling as soon as the car stops. "Come on."

"Alright, I'll grab our stuff you go ahead." I chuckle, climbing out with her. I watch adore run up the road, turning onto her drive before actually getting our bags. It was sort of awkward to roll 2 suitcases of their size, but it didn't take me too long to get to the drive. Adore comes running back over to me with a pout, and grabs her suitcase.

"I got told off for leaving you to get our bags." She mumbles, looking down. I bite back a laugh and lift her chin to press a short kiss onto her lips.

"It's okay, baby." I mumble back, grabbing her hand and walking back up to the doorway where bonnie was waiting.

"Sorry that you had to get the bags yourself." She smiles, holding her arms out to give me a hug, which I gratefully accept.

"Ahh it's fine, I told her to go ahead."

"See I told you, mom." Adore huffs, sticking out her tongue. I send her a warning glare before bonnie ushers us in and takes out stuff to take to adores old room then to the kitchen to make drinks.

"Didn't need to say that."

"She always assumes that I'm being selfish though." Adore whines, resting her forehead against mine.

"Because you can be selfish, princess." I chuckle, kissing her gently.

"Good to see that you're both happy." A voice speaks from the door. We turn and see Ernie stood in the doorway, making adore smile. She detaches from me and runs over to give him a hug.

"I missed you!" She exclaims, squeezing her brother tightly. He looks over to me and raises his eyebrow.

"Hey, Bianca."

"Hey, Ernie. How have you been?" I greet awkwardly.

"Better than adore has been."

"Please don't start anything Ernie. We're fine, you know that." Adore sighs, walking past me and flopping onto the couch.

"I'm not starting anything, I barely said anything. Bianca's said a lot though, that's for sure." Ernie mumbles the last sentence, sitting on the armchair.

"I've already apologized to adore for what I said, we talked about it. Do I need to talk to you about it too?" Bianca replies, level headed.

"Please don't put your argument voice on, mami. Not the time." Adore sighs, looking up at me with pleading eyes.

"I'm just talking to him, baby. So, are we okay or do I need to apologize to you for a fight between me and my fiancée?"

"You don't need to talk to me like that, Bianca. I warned you to never hurt her." Ernie growls, getting defensive.

"And I'm not hurt! Can we stop with this now? Fuck." Adore exclaims, getting up and walking out of the room. I sigh and follow after her, not before sending a glare at Ernie. Damn being childish must run in their blood.

"Okay, I'm sorry for that but you know that I can't stand people talking down to me."

"He didn't talk down to you, but I knew he was going to. If I butt in on your stupid fights with my family then don't fucking keep going with them. Jesus I thought I was the baby." Adore huffs, staring me down.

"Yeah okay, I know. I'm sorry baby." I mumble, grabbing adores hand to pull her into a hug, pressing a kiss onto her temple.

"Need to apologize to Ernie, too."

"Not happening until he does first. He started it, he can apologize first."  I huff, my stubbornness showing. Adore looks at me for a few moments before pulling away to walk back to the lounge. I wait to follow, deciding to let them bicker for a minute until I joined.

Adore POV

"You need to apologize." I announce, walking back into the lounge, sitting myself on the couch close to Ernie.

"No I don't, she had no right to talk like that."

"Ernie, we both know that you wanted to see how she replied to a fight instigation. Please apologize, because she wouldn't have spoken like that if you didn't say that." I sigh, letting my head fall back. Ernie stays silent for a minute before groaning.

"Alright fine, where is she?" He huffs.

"Bea!" I shout, Bianca walking in quickly with a small smile on her face, sitting next to me.


"I've been told I need to apologize, so sorry for bringing up your personal business with my baby sister."

"Insincere but I'll take it, apology accepted. And I'm sorry for firing back, I just hate it when people talk like that to me."

"Oh Jesus Christ what is going on? What did you do Ernie?" Bonnie exclaims, walking into the room with a tray of drinks.

"Nothing mom, its sorted out now."

"I go to talk to María for 10 minutes and there's already been a fight. I told you not to say anything, its not our business." Bonnie huffs, smacking Ernie up-side the head. "I apologize for my idiot son, Bianca."

"Don't worry about it. So, I wanna take everyone out for lunch tomorrow, where is a good place around here?"

"You don't need to do that, sweet."

"Ahh, it's the least I can do for my future in-laws. Come on, I'm not taking no for an answer, name a good restaurant." Bianca muses, grabbing her drink before I curl up to her side, amused by the conversation.

"Okay uh, what about that diner that we used to go to every sunday, before you moved to new York?" Bonnie suggests, sitting on the other armchair with her drink.

"Oh my god thats still there? We're totally going there tomorrow!" I exclaim, getting excited for tomorrow.


"I'll call Frankie and Johnny, Ernie please go back home to your family, María needs you to look after monkey for a bit while she goes to get her nails done. it's the last hour they're open." Bonnie rambles, standing straight back up again to go make some calls.

"Oh my god I wanna get my nails done!" I whine, instantly searching for my phone to call María.

"She'll probably love for you to go with her." Ernie smiles, standing to grab his stuff.

"I'm calling her now." I grin, dialling her number.

"Hey, bub what's up? Are you in town yet?" María speaks once she picks up the call.

"Yeah I'm at moms, she said you were getting your nails done. Can I join? My nails are on their last legs."

"Yeah of course! I'd love to catch up. Come back with Ernie and we can go to Sophia's boutique, I love it there."

"Yeah I know the place, I'll see you in a bit." I grin, hanging up after saying our goodbyes. "You wanna come too, mami?"

"No I'm good, thank you. You go catch up with María, tell her I said hi." Bianca smiles, letting me pull her up.

"Okay, but when I have my acrylics back you're gonna be jealous. All I'm saying." I pout, kissing her a few times, my arms wrapping around her neck. "Love you."

"Love you too, beautiful. Have fun." She mumbles against my lips, kissing me again before pulling back. She passes me her card with a smile, watching me while I leave with Ernie.


Word count - 1275

Aha how are we? Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter.

K bye xOx

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