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time skip a couple months

adore POV

"hey mama, we're getting married next week." I mumble into Bianca's chest, drawing random patterns on her bare stomach.

"Yes we are, princess."

"Its been 2 years. And a proposal. And soon a wedding. So much has happened." I continue, stopping the invisible drawings to play with my engagement ring.

"Baby, it's 2am, it's sleeping time."

"I'm sorry, I got a different type of weed this week. I get chatty."

"It's okay, just wait until tomorrow to be chatty, okay? In the daytime. Not 2am." Bianca chuckles sleepily, gently scratching my back to relax me. I hum an okay and try to fall asleep, getting bored of that after a few agonizing minutes in silence.

"Hey mama-"
"Fuck sake. What?"

"I know it's 2am, but can we get a new place? Like a house or something? With a huge back garden so we can get doggies!"

"Baby I'm about 2 words from fucking you so hard that you pass out, go to sleep."

"Make me." I grin, squealing when Bianca moves quickly, pinning my hands above my head in one swift move.


I wake up the next day to Bianca typing away on her computer next to me, occasionally looking my way.

"Morning." She mumbles when she notices me staring at her.

"Morning, bubba." I smile, stretching my body out. "Whatcha doing?"

"Looking at houses with good security."

"Wait what?" I ask, sitting up to look at the screen.

"You said last night that you wanted to move, so I'm looking for safe places for us to move."

"I didn't think you'd start looking so quick. And why so fucking big oh my god these are like 12 bedroom houses!" I exclaim, looking at the houses she was scrolling through.

"Baby they're only 8 room. I think anyway. I don't like moving, too much packing. so I'm not gonna get us somewhere small that we'd have to move out of when we have kids. 2 bedrooms for our clothes because we both have shopping problems and then a bedroom for us, a nursery and 2 kids rooms, leaving 2 spare bedrooms for guests. Maybe I should search for houses with a guest house attached instead. Which would your mum prefer? The lease on the bungalow is almost up."

"I love you so much." I sniff, blinking back tears at Bianca's rambling and pulling her into a hug. How fucking adorable is she.

"Why are you sad, baby? We don't need to get so many rooms if it matters that much." Bianca speaks into my head, stroking my hair.

"No I don't care how many rooms we have it's not like we clean them ourselves. You're just so fucking considerate and you think so far into the future and it makes my heart hurt."

"Of course I think into the future. Like, I want us to have 2 boys and 1 girl to absolutely spoil. Maybe the boys can be twins but can't really guarantee that can we."

"Can we name the girl Danielle? Ooooh or Courtney after Courtney Love!"

"where does the name Danielle come from?"

"i was supposed to be a twin, called Daniel, but he died in birth. i thought i told you about that?" i explain, not letting myself get sad over it. it couldn't be helped and crying about it would just be pointless, i tell myself. 

"i think i remember you telling me that, actually. but why not name one of the boys Daniel?" 

"because i really, really want to have twins and name them aiden and leo." 

"What would we call them once they're not infants though? They're names for little ones."

"Sorry I don't want to name my kids robert and Margret. They're nice names but I can't see little kids having those names either. Oh my fucking god I want that house!" I exclaim, pointing to an all white modern design house. Bianca chuckles and clicks on the link scrolling through the pictures.

"I have to admit I quite like it as well. But it's in LA, baby."


"Don't seem so disappointed, there are ways we could get it. Just only when I take over the company. Come on there's plenty of places in new york." She tried to reason,making me pout. "Oh don't look at me like that, it's definitely not my price range of a holiday house. It's 16 fucking mil."

"But I love it." I whine, squashing Biancas face between my hands.

"I can't live in LA and work in New York. Next house."


"So she's looking at houses for you guys to move? And you're in love with a house in LA?" Trixie asks, braiding my hair. Yes we're 13.

"Yes. It's fucking gorgeous, guys. I know it seems crazy but I'm obsessed with it."

"Sis you ain't moving all the way out to LA. That ain't fair on us." Vanjie exclaims, walking back over to us with food and cocktails in hand.

"I've already called the real estate agents about it." I mumble toying with my fingers.

"Does Bianca know?" Trixie shrieks right next to my ear, tugging on my hair.

"Bitch stop tugging my hair. And no, I'm telling her tonight."

"What did they say?"

"That the house was still available and that he had been struggling to sell it for about a month now so he's willing to negotiate a different price with the old owners and us. So I said that I'd talk to bianca and email him when we spoke about it."

"You're like actually serious aren't you? What about Bianca's job? She can't work permanently from new York until she owns it." Trixie asks, finishing off my hair before moving around to sit next to me.

"I was trying to figure out ways around that. Flights from here to LA are only like 5 hours so Bianca could renew the lease on the bungalow, stay there during the week and fly back on her days off. Her dad did say that she would be getting it by the end of this year maybe next spring anyway, so it wouldn't be for that long." I explain my very intricate plans for a living situation that is still very much a maybe.

"You've really thought this through." They sigh, looking at me sadly.

"Yeah, I have. I really love this house, and I've always wanted to live in LA, like it's closer to my mom. I'd only need to drive there to see her."

"Right, well if this all does happen, we're going out and getting drunk before you move, and you need to come and see us often. Like, very often." Vanjie states, passing me a glass of the mixture she made.

"What's in this?"

"Alcohol and love, drink up Buttercup!"


Word count - 1139



I'm so sorry that I've been MIA for the past 2 weeks, I had gotten some MAJOR writers block and I couldn't think of anything to write for this. I've got some more plans for the oncoming chapters. Like the hen parties and wedding. That's fun. Oh and the moving to LA convo with Bianca, that's gonna happen. Idk if that will be a fight or not, haven't decided yet.

So yeah, sorry I've been gone. I really really hope I can get another chapter out next week, too. Just gave to see how college and home life goes ig. :) ♡

K bye xOx

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