Chapter 20 : Way back.

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Third person POV

So, everyone flirted and got closer. Geno also got better and finally could break free from Reaper's arms.

Reaper : So, guess we should go. Oh, by the way. There will be shared room for everyone.

Geno : Urgh... Let me guess... I am with you ?

Reaper : Ahaha. Yes. You decide for the others though.

He takes Geno's hand and leads then. They reach a cave...

With a huge boat in it, ready to sail.

Dust : Aaaah !!

He backs off immediately. They all turn to him.

Reaper : Ooooh. You are one of those. That's why you were at the beach all the time, you felt them.

Error : Huh, what ?

Reaper : Ghost. Your friend here can see and hear the spirit's of deads. And a lot of them loom in my mansion. So he was spending his time at the beach to avoid them.

They turn to Dust and Killer and Horror hug him.

Killer : Everything is going to be okay, Dust.

Horror : Yeah. And you can stay with me, if you need to.

He nods.

Everyone gets on the ship. Reaper shows Moon a special room which can conceal his magic more efficiently. Robin suggests staying with him.

Everyone smirks at it but agrees. Reaper shows Geno their room, then proceeds to help everyone.

He shows Dust a room from which the ghost stays away from, so he settles there with Horror, Dream and Cross sleep next to Nightmare and Killer.

Red and Science share their room since they are long time friends, so Eraser and Error end up glaring at each other.

Reaper : Don't destroy my ship, thank~

He leaves them. The ship sails and the berries swim with the squid next to it.

Fog stays around the ship, weirdly enough.

Geno : How does it work ?

Reaper : This ship is a ghost ship. I can keep somes souls in the living world as helpers. My power protects the ship from sinking too.

Moon : It must be exhausting...

Reaper : I just need to stay awake, don't worry. How long did you say the trip was going to take again ?

Moon : A week.

Reaper : Eh, that's alright.

Geno : No it isn't !! You need to sleep.

Reaper : I slept while cuddling you to prepare, and I have coffee.

Moon : ... You are still addicted to that.

Reaper : Yup. And proud to be !!

They travel across the sea in the direction of the island. Ink and the berries get to come on the ship.

Error is hugging Ink and complaining about Eraser, so Ink looks at his brother.

Ink : Really, Racy ? Really ?

Eraser : Eh, I don't see the problem. I don't want that as part of my family.

Ink : ... So you don't like Reboot ?

Eraser opens his mouth then closes it. He repeats the process for a few minutes before leaving all while grumbling.

Geno : So ?

Ink : He likes Reboot but refuses to admit it.

Error : I don't want him in the family neither...

Ink : You don't like me ?

Error glitches and looks away for a bit.

Error : I can like you but hate your family...

Ink smiles and a rainbow glow appears in his tattoos rib cage. Eraser comes back running and pushes Error out of the way to check on his brother. Error lands face first on the floor, since he was unprepared.

Ink : Is that...

Eraser : Yes...

Reaper : Whoah, way to go, Error !

Error : Huh ?

Eraser : ... Ink, how are you feeling ?

Ink : Alright. I feel like I could turn in my earthly form too.

Eraser : Let's see.

He helps Ink out of his barrel. Ink closes his eyes and his tail changes into legs.

He has stars in the eyes. Eraser smiles and hugs him, spinning him around. They are both laughing.

Geno : Can someone explain ?!

Nightmare : Error gave Ink enough intensity in his (tsundere) love for his soul to form. For the Sirens, receiving a soul is the most beautiful and sacred gift. Remember when Reaper said he was the most faithful husband ? Actually, it would be the Sirens. Their souls are pure concentrated love, coming from them and their soulmate.

Error : ... So Ink...

Eraser lets go of Ink who rushes and tackles and hugs Error, with a huge smile.

Ink : Thank you, Error !

He covers him in kisses and Eraser sighs.

Geno : You won't complain ?

Eraser : No. However, I will rush to inform Paint and Pale. So, see ya... And make sure Ink stays a virgin.

He jumps in the water and turns back in his Siren form. Error is blushing, from what Eraser said, and the shower of kisses he continue receiving.

Geno : Well, seems like Ink is going to sleep with you, Error.

Error : Ah.

Ink blushes a bit. He lets go of Error too. Error smiles, kisses his skull and shows him the room they are staying at.

Robin : Wait... Why does Paint don't have a soul if Sun is his soulmate ?

Reaper : Because you also need to say "I love you" and...

Moon : Sun never said it. He is someone who expresses through action... And we said it is an intensity.

Science : So because Sun never told he loved Paint...

Dream : Yes. Actually, that's how Eraser knew Marvul was playing around with him. Because Marvul told him he loved him, but Eraser didn't get a soul.

Moon : For Sun and Paint, I think they are so close they never saw the need to voice their feelings. Because they show those feelings.

Killer : Or maybe Paint doesn't care about whether or not Sun is his soulmate.

They turn to face Killer and after a bit of silence.

Moon : That could be actually. Knowing him.

They go to their room to get some rest... Well, and Reaper is looking at Geno's sleeping form.

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