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Third person POV

In a cottage away from the village, 7 skeleton monster children are on their beds, listening to their older brother eagerly.

The children are from the oldest to the youngest :

Geno, a doctor apprentice who takes care of his younger brothers with kindness and care.

Two years under him are three triplets who all need glasses. They are black boned skeletons.

Error, the oldest out of the triplets. He is the most troublesome, always getting into trouble but weirdly enough, he is one of the quietest among his family. And he rarely wears his glasses too.

Template, second of the triplet. He is a bit Error's opposite. Obedient but noisy, he helps everyone he runs into. He is a bit hyperactive.

The last triplet, Myriad. He is the shiest one of the three. He prefers helping in the house instead of going out. He is always the one calming the fight between his two brothers, when it is still in the early stage.

Two year after the triplet is Fresh. A... Really unique and colorful skeleton. He helps at home but is a bit... Weird by time, let's say.

And two years under Fresh, the three youngest brothers having the same age.

Reboot, he is a bit of a mix between Myriad and Template. He has Template's energy and Myriad's quietness. He has black bones like the triplet.

And last but not least, Chronicle and Harvest. Unlike the others, they were adopted, but they love their family. They enjoy reading with Reboot and Geno. Chronicle suffers from narcolepsy, as for Harvest, somes say he brings misfortune.

Anyway, right now, Geno is reading his brothers an old story.

Geno : Long ago, Mortals weren't the only species on earth.

They lived in harmony with three other kinds. Those were the Angels, ruler of Nature, the Lamias, wise and powerful, and last but not least the Merfolks and its two tribes, Mermaids and Sirens, ruling over the seas. All lived together, but Mortals were jealous of the other. They were jealous of the Angels' beautiful wings, of Sirens' beautiful voice, Lamias' wisdom, and the Mermaids' wealth.

So jealous they became despicable with them. All those kind species decided to cut off their friendly relationship with Mortals, leaving them to their greed.

The Mermaids sunk into the abyss, the Sirens hid in the reefs, the Angels flew onto the cloud and the Lamias slithered underground.

Fresh : Our ancestors were idiots.

All the siblings nod.

Geno : Ahaha. Yeah, guess they were. Hm... If you could pick, in which species would you want to be born ?

Error : The Sirens. They seem to be the freer ones. And I love the sea.

Template : I can't believe I am going to say it, but... I agree with Error. They can travel around the world and see all the beauty of the sea.

Fresh : The world is about to end...

They all nod. Error and Template rarely agree.

Geno : And you Myriad ?

Myriad : I dunno. I don't like the sea that much. I think I am fine being a monster.

Fresh : Same here.

Reboot : The Sirens seem scary... And the Lamias too... I am afraid of heights too...

Chronicle : I would pick the Lamias. They are the wiser, after all.

Harvest : I prefer the Angels. It seems great to be able to fly.

Fresh : Hm... And you Gen ? What would you pick ?

Geno : Hm... The Angels I think. They have healing power from what I heard.

Fresh : Weirdly enough, Error and Template picked the same one.

Everyone laughs a bit.

Geno : Well, it is getting late. Time to go to sleep.

They nod and lay down. Geno tucks them in bed and leaves.

Geno : Good night.

All : Good night Geno !

Ah, good memories.

Right now ? Geno became a doctor, Error became captain of a ship for the military, Template is helping the mayor, Myriad still takes care of the home, to keep an eye on Chronicle, Harvest and Reboot. When he isn't home, he works at the tavern of Ccino, a small, shy and cute skeleton.

And Fresh... No one gets whatever he is doing.

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