Chapter 1 : Hey ho !

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Error POV

I look at my crew. We finally came back from a campagne. I have a weird gang as crewmates.

A skeleton always covered in dust, named... Dust. A tall and creepy one, who smiles and loves axes named Horror. One pretty normal with a golden tooth named Red (we love calling him Cherry). Another tall skeleton wearing a blue and grey armor, he said his name was Blue. He is an old mercenary. I got introduced to him by a friend named Killer.

Speaking of Killer, he just jumped on the ship by... How did he do it, actually ? Sometimes, I don't understand him.

Killer : Error, finally, you are back ! Hey, Dust, Horror.

He waves at them and they wave back.

Error : Is there a problem ? I doubt you made your way here to just say us hello.

Killer : Yeah... Those bastards from the church accused Geno, Harvest, Outer and Sci to be heretics.

All : What ?!

Error : We need to save them.

Killer : That's what we thought. Farmer and Ccino will come with your other brothers to bring food on the ship. Reboot and Chronicle will be here fast. I am going to sneak in to save them.

Horror : ... Captain ? Can I go get a friend ?

Dust : Well, that's more of his second boyfriend but...

Error : Whatever... When should they get here ?

Killer : I am going to sneak up at night in the church, so...

They nod. Killer and Blue prepare their breaking in the church prison while Horror and Dust walk toward their goal.

Their friends : Template, Myriad, Reboot, Chronicle, Fresh, Farmer, Ccino and Abyss help them prepare, by bringing food and whatever they can manage.

At night, Horror POV

Dust and I are at the mansion of that jerk. We killed the guards and were walking in. We hear moaning from a room. We went to take a peek to see if it was a good room. Yes it was.

I feel a mix of happiness and anger because I can finally see Plum's face again after all those years, and anger because that pig is touching him and calling him names... And Lust... He renamed him ?! Dust kills him and kicks his body away from Plum.

He is shaking, his female ectobody summoned. I also notice a collar with the word "Lust" on it. He really renamed him.

I reach my hand to help my friend, but he just gets scared.

Horror : Plum, it is me, Horror.

He looks at me for a moment.

Lust : ... My... Name... Plum ?

Plum seems to calm down a bit and remembers faintly. I take off my cloak to cover him with it. I carry him and Dust follows us.

We rush toward the ship, but...

Someone shoots me through my skull and I fall on the ground with Plum. I hear Plum and Dust calling my name. I think they are trying to carry me... but I blacked out.

Dust POV

After seeing Horror falling, his skull badly damaged I see the guy who shot him receiving a wooden plank on the head, held by Fresh. He gets knocked out.

Fresh : Get going. I will hold them off.

I nod. Plum helps me with that. Gosh, Horror is heavy. Good thing Fresh covers us up. Farmer rushes to help us when he sees us.

He takes Plum's place to help carrying Horror.

We get on board and put Horror in the infirmary. Plum stays next to him, trembling. Farmer is trying to help him, with first aid. I look around to find something to take off the collar by cutting it.

Meanwhile Killer POV

I snuck inside the church and get to the prison. I knockout the guard, steal the keys and open the door. I wince. If Sci and Outer have only somes bruises, Geno has been tortured. Half of his skull melted. He has a big wound on all his torso. Sci seems to try to bandage him as he can. Harvest is crying in Outer's arms, right now.

I rush near them.

Killer : I will need help...

I hear footsteps and go near the door. Then get relieved.

Killer : Robin, Cross.

Robin and Cross (also nicknamed the black and white twins) look in the cell and their socket shoot open.

Killer : Could you carry Geno ? I will make sure you don't run into danger.

They nod. We all leave. We run in Blue. He helps Science to walk since he injured his ankle. We get on the ship.

Killer : Is everyone here ?

Myriad : No, Fresh isn't back.

We see some other ship explode. Fresh gets here, badly injured, just as another ship explodes.

Fresh : Get going !!

Error nods and gives the order. I try to help Fresh but he stops me.

Fresh : Give up. They did too much damage... They touched my soul too... You would need to be an angel.

Killer : But... Why are the ships...

Fresh : I put explosives in the other ship so they won't be able to go after us. Take care of my bro, Killy...

Killer : ... I will do my best.

Fresh : Thanks.

He dusts right in front of us. I take a deep breath, then warm the triplet about it. Abyss was trying to persuade Error to go somewhere safe, apparently.

When I say to them about Fresh they all stop. For the first time, I see the triplet hold each other's hands.

After a bit, they calm down and thank me for it.

Killer : Don't worry. And where did you want to go, Abyss ?

Abyss : Let me show you ! I know we will be safe there.

We nod.

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