Chapter 14 : Trees.

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Nightmare POV

So, we left the two love birds. Killer stops and is joined by Cross and Abyss.

Killer : Hey.

Cross : Hey dude. Oh ?

Abyss : Dream, Nightmare ? Wine ?!

I smirk a bit while Killer and Cross are confused.

Dream : Should we let you two talk ?

Wine : There is nothing to say.

Abyss looks away.

Killer : ... You know, we won't hurt the two princes. We saved them once already.

I nod.

Dream : And we are strong enough to fend for ourselves.

Cross seems unconvinced.

Wine : Where are Blue and Black ?

Nightmare : ... good question.

Abyss : Black was busy flirting with Red.

Killer : Ah.

Abyss : No idea for Blueberry though.

Killer : Speaking of Blue... Do you know if our...

Cross : He is still taking care of Myriad. He refuses to see nearly everyone. Blue only let his brothers in... Rob and Moon visit a lot too.

Killer : I see. And Ccino ?

Abyss : Running a fever. Good thing Ras brought him back. I wonder where Reboot is though...

Killer : ... What I don't like is that one of the guys looked like me, apparently...

Cross is patting his back.

Nightmare : He looked like you ?

Killer : Yeah. A black tear skeleton, but unlike me he has colorful pinpricks.

Dream : It looks like Eraser.

I nod.

Killer : Who ?

Nightmare : The brother of a friend. He is a Siren. But Siren can only turn as earthly beings for a short period of time. During the night of the new moon.

Dream : Something happened ?

Cross : Yeah. Some of our friends got captured. The civilian ones... Well, we got 2 of them back.

Killer : But the youngest one is still missing...

Killer is upset, I can feel it. I take his hand softly. He jolts and turns to me.

Killer : A problem ?

Nightmare : ... Why do you feel guilty ?

He jolts and Cross snaps his head toward Killer.

Cross : Killer. No one blames you for the failure of the mission. If anyone, we should blame Blue.

Killer : I was the one in charge. It is my responsibility... Error has already enough to worry about with Geno's agony...

He is shaking.

Cross : Kill...

Killer : I... I need to be alone for a bit.

He leaves without a look at us. I exchange a glance with Dream. He smiles at me and I swim, rushing after Killer.

Nightmare : Killer, wait !

He gives me a glance but continues walking for a bit. He stops and climbs a rock patting the spot next to him.

I sit by him.

Killer : How ?

Nightmare : Huh ?

Killer : How did you know I was blaming myself ? Everyone thinks I am emotionless. And I am, most of the time.

Nightmare : ... I am going to tell you a story.

He raises an eyebrow but nods. I smile a bit.

Nightmare : "A long long time ago, three godly beings came on earth. They went to plant three seeds around the world. In three different spots.

One chose the mountains, another choosed the depth of the earth and the last choosed the dark abyss. Those seeds gave trees.

Those three trees were later found by three species. The Angel found the one on the mountain. The Lamias slithered near the underground tree, and the Merfolk found the abyssal tree.

For a long time, nobody understood what those trees were. Until, one day, under each tree were found two twins.

Under the tree of the Angel, were two angels who controlled the weather, the sun and the moon.

Under the tree of the lamia were two lamias, both wise on different topics. One knew every scientific fact, the other could look at the truth of the world.

And the last tree of the Merfolk was given to mermaids. One was a beacon of joy, bringing a smile to everyone 's face. The other though brought sadness with him.

Later, when asking the wise lamias twins what were those trees, they explained.

"Those trees are the sacred trees. They gave to the world two guides who will maintain the balance. Light and dark for the Angel, Positivity and Negativity for the Merfolk, Knowledge and Wisdom for the Lamia. Those trees and those twins are as valuable as Life and Death. Creation and Destruction. They are linked to each other."

Those twins then became royalty for each of the people, being linked to the godly."

Killer : ... The twins... Are Sun, Moon, Marvul, Halluciv, you and Dream ?

Nightmare : Yes. That's why Marvul and Halluciv are the last Lamias. As for your original question... The tree from which I am born is called "the tree of feeling". The Lamia's tree is the"tree of truth" and as for the Angel it is the "tree of time".

Killer : ... You can feel people's feelings. Negative one in particular, I guess.

Nightmare : What sold me ? My aura ?

Killer : Nah. The look on your face when you talked about the one bringing sadness. Also, Dream looks like a ball of positivity, so...

He shrugs. I laugh a bit. I feel him pat my head.

Killer : Must have been rough on you.

Nightmare : ... Nah... That's fine.

I feel he isn't convinced. I look away.

Killer : ... You know. If you want to talk, come to me. I kinda like your aura better than Dream's one. Dunno why.

Nightmare : H-huh ?

I look at his soul. Yes, he is actually... Happier.

Nightmare : H-how...

Killer : Probably because you are quiet and cute.

I blush and he snickers while I try to calm myself. ... I like his laugh, though.

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