Chapter 9

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"Thank you!" Lucy politely thanked the shopkeeper. The little old women replies with a wrinkled smile,"You're welcome dear." Lucy grinned wide before turning with her bundle of groceries, to stroll through town to her next stop. I'm in such a good mood today. But why? I don't really understand..... maybe the cheerful light of day among the good towns people is a nicer comparison then that of a dark and dangerous spirit through the bad side of Magnolia. Lucy joked with herself. Maybe.... it was because of last night...


"Oh. My. God." She broke apart her words. Lucy could feel Natsu's expression of pity beside her and ignored it. " Hey, it's okay." he spoke softly. His voice was soft. So soft that it could be felt in Lucy's heart. Lucy could do nothing but turn to look at him. He slowly and gently nudged Lucy to rest into his collarbone. He slowly stroked her hair and then turned his head to the top of her's and whispered," It's okay," He closed his eyes. " I won't let anything happen to you." Lucy didn't fight it. She didn't dare even try. She was absorbing it too much, too much to break the embrace that Natsu had previously foundated. But to her surprise,(and disappointment) he released her from the few moments of comfort, that Lucy had longed for. "Sorry.." he said embarrased, " just seemed like you needed a hug." He blushed slightly as his gaze failed to meet her's. Lucy was silent with shock for a moment. With thoughts of, is this the same Natsu that disappeared for over two years? He is being so considerate...... What do I say to that? Do I just.... hug him back? No.... I can't do that... he'll think it's weird. "... it's okay" she said plainly. "Okay!" Natsu said in an uplifting tone as he flashed that intoxicating smile and gently hopped off the bed. Lucy just looked down at her hands that were neatly creased in her lap, and in doing so, she realized that she was showing her true emotion when Natsu asked, "You okay?" Lucy grew wide eyed in shock at the two facts that one, she was letting her feelings show. Two, Natsu Dragneel could see them, Natsu, could see it. Since when does Natsu notice anything? He never has the capability to worry about others' emotional problems, not in his simple little world. He's like a child, only.... no. Lucy glanced up at Natsu with sorrowful eyes. He looked confused for a moment. No. He is not a child, that's not fair. How could I possibly direct that about him.... Lucy pierced him straight in the eyes with her own, pitifly daring him to break contact. At this point she was practically choking back tears. I'm sorry..... I'm so, sorry Natsu....... "I'm okay." Lucy managed to say in a steady tone, just as a tear broke free and streamed down her cheek. Damn it... Natsu gave her a pitted look, before crawling back onto the bed, resting his back against the headboard, and pulling Lucy to rest her body into his as he wrapped his arms around her side. At this point, Lucy was about to break down and just melt. But she couldn't do that, not to Natsu. She shuttered in his embrace. Natsu moved his right arm to the back of Lucy's neck, and he pulled her close," It's okay, let it out. Please, just let it out." Something about Natsu's voice, so settle yet dumbfounded, made Lucy want to give in. And she did. She wasn't sure if it was because of what he said or how he said it. That angelic tone that is calm and understanding, it almost seemed unrecognizable coming from Natsu. But it did, and Lucy was probably the only person to ever witness it. So in that way, the tears that were spilling from her eyes to cascade down his well-defined neck, were also tears of happiness. And after several hours of Lucy sobbing and Natsu caressing, they both fell asleep.

~~~~~~~ End of Flashback ~~~~~~~

Lucy closed her eyes and smiled for a moment. I still can't believe that happened. I can't believe Natsu was capable of caring for someone on that level. And out of all the people in Fiore, he chose me. He chose to show me that side of him. I will treasure that fact forever. Lucy stopped as she opened her eyes and realized she was literally about to walk into a shop. She stopped herself, and backed up to look at the shop's name. "Hey.. I've seen this shop before." Lucy spoke to herself, "They have some of the cutest dresses i've ever seen! But it's usually so swamped, that I could never get in!" Lucy looked through the shop window. It's not too busy now, maybe I could just go in and look around? I do have that dinner with Gray tonight....... I wonder what he.. "OH MY GOD THEY ARE HAVING A SALE?!?!?!" Lucy boomed as she stormed into the shop.

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