Chapter 4

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Should I just straight up ask him? I wouldn't want to intrude.... What am I saying?! HE is the one intruding! He just barged in without even asking! Well then again I'm sure he had a perfectly good reason...... He was pretty beat up when I found him.. So why didn't he go to a hospital?! Is he that stupid?! Maybe he came here for a reason? Maybe he felt comfortable with me....? WITH me?! I don't think so! If that perverted dragonslayer wants to pick up girls, he broke into the wrong apartment. Why that little..... What. What am I doing. Have I gone mad?! Why would Natsu come here?? I need to get some answers. But not quite.... "GAH!" Lucy yelled, "What is wrong with me?!" "Uhh.... I dunno." Came a voice from the staircase. "Oh! Uh.., Natsu!" Lucy stammered as she swung into a last minute casual pose. "Hey Luce the toast was good and all, but can I eat some of your fire?" Natsu asked awkwardly. "Uh.. fire?" "Yea, you know, from your stove?" Natsu went on. "Uhh...... sure?" Lucy replied in question. "Thanks Luce!" Natsu grinned as he stumbled his way to the stove. "Need help?" Lucy offered. "I got it." Natsu growled deeply. It's noises like that that always seemed to get to Lucy in the wrong way. At least he seems a little better. Lucy dismised her previous thought as she watched as the salamander consume the flames of her stove like water. "Gah, yuck man this stuff is gross." Natsu complained. Then don't eat it. Lucy suggested silently. Wait, maybe now would be a good time to ask him, i'll just ask this one now and the others at a different time. I don't want to overwhelm him. "Hey uh Natsu?" Lucy called. "Hmm?" Natsu hummed with his month full. "Um. Well I could be wrong but..... didn't we sleep in the bathroom? I could have sworn..... How did we end up back in my bed? Do I sleep walk? No that can't be right, it doesn't explain how you got there. Well maybe.." "Lucy." Natsu cut turning to look over his shoulder, "It was me." "What?.. What was you?" Lucy asked confused. "I woke up in the middle of the night because my gash was hurting, and then I realized that we both crashed in the bathroom so I moved us back." "How? And your wound was hurting? Why didn't you wake me?!" Lucy demanded. "Well you seemed pretty tired so I didn't want to wake you so..... yea. I just carried you." He confirmed with one of his stupid toothy-sexy grins. Damn it... Lucy began to blush, "H-How??" "Uh..... I picked you up.... and carried you?" Natsu repeated stalemate. "What? No! HOW did you carry me. You are injured! Just yesterday you couldn't even walk!" Lucy included loosing patience. "Well I'm a dragonslayer, so I must have some sort of crazy healing powers! COOL!" Natsu grinned. There goes his seductive smile.. Lucy silently groaned, "Not quite, It must have been those meds I gave you. I guess that's also how you were able to walk down stairs too...." Lucy disappointed Natsu. "Ahww....." Natsu groaned in defeat. "But I mean, not only were you able to walk, but carry me too? I don't think those painkillers could work THAT well." Lucy added. "Who cares, maybe I was just driven by my passion not to sleep on your bathroom floor." Natsu suggested. "Oh Natsu......" Lucy chuckled. "What?" Natsu sounding a little offended. "Nothing, anyways I'm going down to the guild...." Lucy froze mid- sentence. The guild....... they. They don't know that Natsu is alive. They. Don't. Know. "Hello? Lucy you there? Where did you say you were going?" Natsu interrupted with his mouth full. Lucy's eyes could only shoot to Natsu before exploding, "Natsu..... the guild..... THEY DON'T KNOW YOU ARE ALIVE!" Lucy yelled. "WE HAVE TO GO! WE MUST TELL THEM! NOW!!" Lucy panicked. "Hey Luce, just calm down..." WHAT DO YOU MEAN CALM DOWN?!" Lucy pushed. "For two years. You were dead. You. Were. DEAD Natsu. But now you are alive! You're alive! And I have to tell the guild!" Lucy marched towards the door. "No.. Lucy wait!" Natsu sprung to clamp on Lucy's wrist. "Let go of me before you hurt yourself!" Lucy warned. "Luce.... please...." Natsu begged. "You..... you can't tell them...." "WHAT." Lucy grew angry. "WHY NOT?! THEY ARE YOUR GUILD! NO, YOUR FRIENDS! YOUR FAMILY! THAT HAVE SEARCHED ALL OVER FIORE LOOKING FOR YOU! THAT HAVE DRAGGED ON LIFE WISHING YOU WERE WITH THEM! THAT..... N- Natsu...." Lucy snapped to a calm and concerned state. Natsu Dragneel was on his knees, still grasping Lucy's wrist, tearing up. "I can't..... I can't show myself! I....." Natsu's tears broke free. "Nn...Natsu." Is all Lucy could say. "Pl.... please.... don't tell them I'm here.." A look of defeat taking over him, "But why?!" Lucy demanded. "I can't tell you..." Natsu breathed hesitantly. "Natsu, what about Happy.." Lucy asked calmly. "No, he... he can't know either. At least... not right now..." Lucy took in a breath. What happened... What happened that was so dreadful it could make Natsu.. Tear up.... Lucy drew a breath, "If I keep quiet. Will you tell me what's going on Natsu?.." "Yea, I promise." Natsu stated lifelessly regaining his composure. "Alright." Lucy sighed. "I won't tell." "Promise?" Natsu asked looking up at Lucy with question. Lucy blushed, "Promise."

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