Chapter 16

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Finally, Lucy was getting the answers she long desired. Slowly but surely. But now, she was once again struck by surprise by none other than the dragonslayer that currently shared her bed. I can't believe..... He.... He is such a good kisser..... Lucy's blush cycle faded and returned constantly as she reimagined her first kiss over and over again. She couldn't sleep, despite running off of a mere three hours (maybe?) from "The Rooftop Inn" in the last two or so days, her insides were, simply to say, electrified. N... Natsu.... What was that?! She internally screamed at the dragonslayer as she watched him snore as her side. Rather than being annoyed, Lucy couldn't see Natsu the same way anymore. She was, in the least to say, quite confused. He looks.. Like a man.. I knew he was male of course but... Did I ever really knowledge it?... Did I ever actually.... Lucy's eyes traced his sharp masculine facial features ..think about it?.... Lucy blushed deeply and covered her mouth to prevent a slightly panicked yelp. Yikes....... What're you doing to me Natsu............. Lucy slowly slipped down to lay neck deep under the covers, but couldn't sleep. No matter what, she couldn't stop thinking about her partner, who had actually become her partner.

Ugh.... Why is the room spinning.... ..."Luce." Ugh.... I'm so tired..... "Hey, Luce, it's okay come on." "N.... Natsu?... A.... Ow!" Lucy tensed as she attempted to turn and face Natsu, only to be met with an intense pain in her back. " Luce!.. I said not to move, didn't you hear me?" "No...." Lucy groaned through her pillow, " I think it's brokennn" She whined like a child. "Nah I don't think so." He chuckled, "here." All of a sudden Lucy thought her head was going to explode as she felt the hands of a Natsu slip underneath her blouse and begin to snake their way up her back. "NATSU!?!?!?!" Lucy catapulted herself up to both kick Natsu in the chest- as planned, and to fall back onto the floor- not as planned. The sharp pain in her back was masked by the immense awkwardness that overtook Lucy's face. "N-... NATSU....... W-...WHAT THE HELL????!!?!?!" From the floor, Lucy saw first, Natsu's feet, then head pop into view from the bed's edge, along with that stupidly cute confused face that he wore oh-so often. Lucy grasped at her mouth to (poorly) attempt to mute the obviously panicked whimpers that escaped up through her shaken body. Natsu laughed. Natsu. Freaking. Laughed. "Luce! You look like I'm about to eat you or something!! PFFFT" Natsu feel back onto the bed and threw a fit of laughter. ".... N... NATSU...." Lucy screamed as loud as she could in her stunned whisper. It was true though, Lucy was on her back, feet facing the bed, covering her mouth and shaking in terror. "YOUR FACE IS PRICELESS. YOU LOOK LIKE A MELON!" Natsu basically sufficated himself he was laughing so hard. A... A melon????!?! Lucy narrowed her eyes in mischief as she reached up with her leg and attempted to kick Natsu off the bed, when she felt nothing, she began blindly rapid firing from frustration, until a certain sly salamander grabed her by her ankle, a "ha." was followed by a stretched grin and mischievious growl from Natsu as he once again poked over the bed, grasping to her leg like a koala bear. "Nice try." He chuckled. ...NATSU I AM GOING TO MURDER YOU. "Let. Go." she intimidated. "No." he surprisingly responded. THAT VOICE ALWAYS WORKS!!!! UGHHHHH WHEN DID HE START THINKING HE WAS IN CHARGE AROUND HERE! Lucy grew legitimately angry, and shook her leg to try and pry him off, it didn't work. "NATSU I HAVE HAD IT!" One brief tug, and Lucy got her leg back, but as a catch, she also caught Natsu(pun not intended), well, sort of. Natsu was sprawled across Lucy like a poorly made bed sheet. Lucy, on the other hand, couldn't very well breathe. "N... Natsu...." "Nope, i'm not budgin'." Natsu stuck his nose in the air in triumph. "N... Natsu....... Please......" This got Natsu's attention, he quickly repositioned himself on his hands and knees over Lucy's half-crushed corpse. "Sorry, I thought you were mad, didn't want to be kicked out." What's wrong... I got the pink freak off of me but it's still hard to breathe... And my back.... I think I might actually need to go to a hospital..... Lucy's thoughts were sometimes so well projected that even the oblivious Natsu Dragneel could piece them together. "Can you roll over." He calmly asked. Rollover?... Like a dog?............ What? "... Wh-" "Can you?" "I... I'm not sure.." I don't know what he has planned but.. I have no choice. "Here, i'll help. On three kay?" Natsu gently rested one hand on Lucy's hip and the other on her shoulder. Lucy nodded. "Okay, one, two, three!" Natsu gently tipped her over to her stomach, trying to be as gentle as possible considering her pained expression. "There, you okay?" ".. It's my back.." "I know, and I can help you, but..." There was a pause and some shuffling before Natsu mirrored Lucy's postion looking her straight in the eyes, " .. I need your permission." "W.. What for?" Lucy blushed slightly at Natsu's closeness " I need to take your shirt off." He blushed slightly, but never broke eye contact, which made Lucy shiver from head to toe. "W..wh..what?!.... way......." Natsu what the heck...!?!... When did you become such a pervert....... " I know it's weird, but I can't help you unless you lose the shirt... It'll just be in the way otherwise."
"In the way?... Uh..... In the way of what?....."
"My hands? Your back? I'm not really sure what you're asking." He scratched the back of his head.
He's.. Going to give me a massage?... Does he even know how?.. Forget it.. I'll take the chance for a shot of relief........
".. Promise you won't do anything weird?.." Lucy blushed avoiding contact
"I promise! At least... I think so? Anyways start unbuttoning would ya?"
"Eh-..." Before Lucy could respond Natsu had bounced up and headed to her bathroom. Meanwhile, Lucy hesitantly wiggled her hands underneath herself so that she could unbutton her worn outfit
This is so embarrasing...

Natsu soon returned with a bottle of massage oil in hand. How did he know where to find that?.. Why is he covering his eyes?.... Ak! Lucy struggled to cover her cleavage exposing bra. "Urm....." Lucy croaked and blushed. "Sorry... I uh... " He blushed
"It's okay.. You can look now...."
"Right.." Though he continued to cover his eyes til Lucy's massive jugs were out of his view. "Need help getting this off?." He tugged at her loose blouse "Uh... Yes please..." Lucy removed her hands from her breast blockade as Natsu carefully released each arm from the sleeves and tossed it aside.
The silence didn't help Lucy's tense state " This too.." Natsu respectly traced her bra strap. Oh my god....... "I um........." Lucy whimpered unable to mask it. " Yea.. Sorry. Just tell me how to take it off...." He sounded uncomfortable himself. "Yea okay um.... There's a strap at the bottom that connects to another.. Just pull them in opposite directions until they unlatch." I guess I can't blame him for not knowing... Bras are weird. "Like this?" He released the clamp. "Yea, and now if you could just.. Slide it up on both sides?" This is so humiliating.... "Okie dokie."
Lucy usually didn't sleep with a bra, but since Natsu was staying with her, she didn't want to give him any eye-candy, even though she felt he wouldn't be that interested(she was sadly mistaken).
More silence.
Natsu is holding my bra... Why isn't he tossing it?...
"Yea! Sorry." He tossed it aside with her shirt. What was he doing?...
"Oh.. Here." Natsu handed Lucy a pillow from her bed to rest under her head. There was a pop of a squeeze bottle, a dispatchment of liquid, and a click of the lid closing.
"Just relax."
He masculine tone sent a shiver up her spine, which hurt her back, but in a good way.
"Okay." Lucy breathed
A few moments went by before Lucy's back became puddy in Natsu's fingers. He started with her lower, flexing his fingers effortlessly up into her tensifying muscles, and then circling back with the sides of his hands. Oh my god..... This is..... "Amazing..." Lucy moaned somewhat inappropriately, but she didn't care. She simply heard Natsu chuckle in concentration and pleasure. I owe Natsu for this... Big time........ Lucy's body relaxed, and her sleeplessness caught up with her quite quickly. She was exhausted, but she was practially panting at the same time. The immense amount of pleasure consuming her overdue back was almost too much for her to handle. "Natsu....."
"Hm?" He paused
Lucy turned her head to the side to look up at him "Don't stop... Please... This feels so good..."
Natsu blushed intensely, trying to keep a still complexion, but failing as he blushed harder and swallowed.
"Um.." Lucy croaked uncomfortably turning back to her original position. She couldn't hear any movement. Just what exactly did I look like when I said that?.. Oh man...... Lucy swallowed.
After a few outstretched minutes, she felt the heavenly sensation return to her back. She began to relax once more. I'm so tired... I should... I should... Lucy began to doze off... Until she felt a new sensation. Natsu abandoned her back and went straight for her neck, one side he caressed with his hand, as he swirled his thumb into her tissue. The other side.. He caressed with his mouth.

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