Chapter 6

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"NATSU!" Lucy yelled at the top of her lungs as she entered her apartment. "NATSU!" She yelled again. "NA..." Lucy choked in silence. "Oh hey Lucy, what are you yelling for?" Natsu asked cluelessly. Lucy was frozen in aww. Her jaw might as well be hanging to the ground. "You're back early, what did something happen?" He asked curiously, still holding onto Lucy's extremely secret romance story. "Nat. su." she spoke slowly, "Yea?" He asked. Lucy's eyes dropped like stones to the bundle of papers. "Oh uh..... I found this and I thought it looked interesting so...." Natsu trailed off after realizing that Lucy wasn't taking his explanation so well. A moment of silence rested, until... "NATSU YOU ARE DEAD!" Lucy shouted pouncing on him with great force, nearly ripping her story as she grabbed it from him. "WHERE DID YOU FIND THIS!" she demanded, "Ii.. in the top drawer! Natsu gestured toward the desk, a little scared. "If you didn't want me to read it mm..maybe you should have hidden it better..." Natsu chuckled unsurely. At this point, Lucy was livid. "YOU. DID. WHAT." Her eyes grew wide with fury, as she grasped him firmly by the neck. "YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO GO THROUGH MY THINGS!!! AND YOU MOST CERTAINLY DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO READ THEM!" Lucy screamed as she yanked Natsu back and forth by the throat intending to choke him. "Lu..... cy" Natsu struggled, "Luu..... " Natsu let out a little shriek of pain, but Lucy was to determined not to stop. "GAAAHHH!" At that, Lucy realized she had gone to far. "Well! Why didn't you fight back!" Lucy encouraged. Natsu was too busy coughing and gasping continuously that he didn't have the ability to respond. It wasn't until Lucy noticed the familiar pained look in Natsu's face that made her realize that her foot was planted firmly into the core of Natsu's wound. Which was now bleeding. Oh crap! What did I do?! His wound was getting better, and then I just reopened it! Pitied Lucy. "Hold on Natsu! I'll get the alcohol and a towel!" Lucy reassured. Natsu gave Lucy a pained look, and she returned it with a pitiful one. "I'm sorry." she whispered turning to the bathroom.
With mixed emotions of regret and anger, Lucy returned to Natsu with alcohol and a towel, for the second time. What is wrong with me. Lucy thought organizing her supplies. I just lashed out at him like a rabid animal, though he did READ my romance story..... oh no. Lucy froze, eyes wide, cheeks red. Just..... how far did he read exactly..... Lucy's heart skipped a beat. "Lucy are you going to pour that stuff or wha... hey you okay?" Natsu noticed Lucy's worrying expression. I wasn't gone long... surely he didn't read to that part.... Lucy's mouth went dry at the thought. Finally she took a breath and began to pour the alcohol. She closed her eyes in a pained thought. "Look i'm sorry I read you story without asking alright, I was just really bored and if it makes you feel any better I thought it was really good." Natsu confessed. Lucy opened her eyes wide in shock. "Natsu. You do know it's a romance right?" "Yea of course I do." He said. Several minutes of cleansing went by before Lucy summed up the courage to ask,"Natsu.... just how far did you read...." Lucy asked unsurely. "Oh, not very far." he replied readjusting to lean back on his elbows. Lucy's lungs couldn't be happier as she let out a huge sigh of relief. When Lucy opened her eyes she found that Natsu was starting to sit up, so she put the lid on the alcohol. He leaned over her and whispered, "You didn't let me finish the final chapter, that's okay though. My favorite part was when Larx and Amy spent the night together sharing skin, It was super erotic, and the outcome was rreeally goood." He growled seductively' " You know, you really have a..." After realizing that Natsu 'didn't get very far' Lucy ran in terror, unable to think, cope, breathe. But she had to find a place that she could.

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