Chapter 7

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Lucy walked along the river in front of her apartment for what seemed like hours, which was hours. Four to be exact. She was completely unaware of her rumbling stomach, and aching feet. The only thing that played back in her head like a broken record, were the words that unbelievably came from the mouth of none other than Natsu Dragneel. You didn't let me finish the final chapter, that's okay though. My favorite part was when Larx and Amy spent the night together sharing skin, It was super erotic, and the outcome was rreeally goood. Lucy wanted to throw herself into the river and forget how to breathe thinking about it, but she had to. There was nothing else to think about, she had to figure out how to handle it (without pulling her hair out), and she wasn't going back until she did. What was that. What was that?! Lucy screamed inside shutting her eyes. What's up with Natsu?! First the occasional flirting and now this?! What has gotten into him?! Lucy tried shuttering to reasonable explanations. I can't blame the medications for everything.... was he drunk?! I don't have beer or anything in my apartment. Did he smuggle some in from day one? Or did he go and buy it himself?! Has he been healed all this time and has been playing me?! THAT LITTLE..... Lucy drew a breath. I need to calm down. But my questions about Natsu are piling up, I mean I don't even know why he is in my apartment in the first place! I'd better get some answers soon or else.. Lucy noticed it was getting dark, she ignored it. Why did I ever write that romance! Stupid female hormones! Hormones, does Natsu even have hormones? He has been so immature until now..... maybe he's hit puberty? A very late puberty? He has already mature physically, quite well physically.... but maybe the mental part of puberty is just now kicking in? And what did he mean....... It was erotic..... It was rrealyyy goood....... GAH! Lucy felt scars piercing her mind at the thought. Nnnnnooo... of course he didn't.... I hope he didn't...... No, he doesn't even know what masturbating is..... Or what if he does... Lucy felt frazzled to a point. What if he..... rubbed his...... and eeee...... in my bed...... " AHHHH!" Lucy accidentally screamed out loud. She snapped to her senses to shove a hand to her mouth, to behold a bewildered Gray. "GgaaarrrrGray!" Lucy jumped, "What are you doing here?!" Lucy asked in defense to her outburst. "I was about to ask the same thing, why are you out so late? And in the bad side of town?" Lucy's eyes went wide of the realization that just punched her. The sun was going down. She was about 5 miles from her apartment, and in the bad side of town. "Oh.... just..... taking a walk." Lucy tried to say casually. "In.... the bad side of town..... is that such a good idea?" Gray questioned. "Well I was about to start heading back so.... wait why are you here?" Lucy turned the tables. All of a sudden Gray got nervous, "Oh me? I was just um..... I was just at the cafe and I was actually hoping to run into you but... I was going to come by your apartment..." Lucy felt a hint of relief that she ran into Gray before he got to her apartment. Like Natsu, Gray never knocks, and usually enters at his own desire. Which would be bad, very bad, because if Gray found Natsu..... I could hold down Natsu and let Gray beat the crap out of him! Lucy thought demonically. Another though shuttered in the back of Lucy's head... but once she realized how it involved the three of them... together..... Lucy didn't allow herself to think of those things, especially since Gray was right here in the flesh. Once I get some alone time I really need to relieve these urges.. "Oh uh... why?" Lucy asked blushing. "Um, I just wanted to talk about something. But this isn't the best time or place.... Gray gestured to the surrounding. Right there with you. Lucy agreed silently. "So um... do you want to meet up for dinner tomorrow maybe? At that restaurant in the heart of town?" Lucy found the whole thing suspicious, "This, wouldn't be a date would it?" "Of course not," Gray sneered, " I just haven't eaten there in a while, and they have good food so... why not." Gray said casually. "Oh okay.... um well i'd better get going.." Lucy tried rushing the conversation. "Yea yea me to. Um.. do you want me to walk you home?" Gray offered "Since we're in the bad side of town I think it would be better..." "Oh, no that's okay! As long as i've got my celestial keys...." Lucy paused as she felt her empty pocket. "..what?" Gray asked " I'll be fine! Don't worry! Go on ahead! I'll be okay!" Lucy encouraged putting on a brave face. Crap, im screwed! I must've not had my keys with me when I dashed out of my apartment.... Oh this is not good.. "Oh, you sure?" Gray pressed. "Yep! Positive!" Lucy insured(not really). "Oh okay then, well have a safe trip." Gray said coldly. "Yea... you too...." As soon as Gray turned to leave, Lucy did the same. Only at a greater pace, a full out sprint. I've got to get out of here, without my keys i'm almost completely defenseless. And when there is a defenseless girl with my level of cuteness wandering around the bad side of town.... Bad things can happen. Lucy's breathing shuffled as she ran for her life. Very. Bad. Things.

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