Chapter 3

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Lucy arose to a rather annoying beam of light that peaked through the curtain. She made an effort to raise her arm to rub at her heavy eyes, only to find that two arms and a head were locking it in place. "Natsu." she groaned. He's gripping onto me pretty tight.. She blushed. She tugged and pulled but it was no use, the draonslayer's grip was too tight, and the more she struggled the tighter it got. "UGH." she sighed as she collapsed back onto the pillow. "I give up." she groaned. Wait a minute..... My pillow? The curtains? I'm in my bed? When did this happen?Lucy laid still in thought of any memory of moving from the bathroom..... she found none. Come on Natsu... Wake up! Lucy lay still on her back waiting for the salamander to rise, but he never did.
About 10 minutes of impatience later...
GAH! I can't take this anymore! Lucy screamed inside. If he wasn't in such bad shape I would kick his butt all the way to the guild! Lucy grunted as she shifted to look at Natsu. And just like ice to water, her anger melted away at the sight. His wounds were even worse in the daylight that poured through the windows. And he was.... smiling. Why is he smiling.... he is in so much pain so why is he smiling?! Lucy in deep thought. This reminds me of when we would go on dangerous missions... after a tough enemy was dealt with, I would run over to check on Natsu. With his full aching body he would smile up at me as if he didn't feel anything at all. As if he was able to accept the pain brought to him and be....happy. It's almost kind of..... cute. Mindlessly, Lucy reached out with her free arm and began stroking Natsu's hair, feeling each strand of hair like ribbon fluff between her fingers. Despite his horrible condition his hair was holding up quite well. Still naturally fluffy and spiked, just as it had always been. I've never felt Natsu's hair before, it's so soft. Lucy hummed as her fingers weaved in and out of the Natsu's locks. She easily lost track of time, something about feeling Natsu like this was so.... entising to Lucy. Natsu..................... "Mmmhhhhhh..." A sudden brake in the silence made Lucy freeze. Crap, did I wake him up? " That feels nice..." came a breath. Lucy traced her eyes to fix with Natsu's which were now halfway open. "That feels good." He mumbled closing his eyes. His smile of satisfaction grew as he deeply exhaled. Lucy remained frozen. Not but a few moments passed by, before Lucy felt her hair being gently tugged. Lucy's breathing grew shallow and her body tensed as her eyes dropped like rocks to see a giant grin on Natsu's face. "Your hair is soo soft." He whispered. "UHHHH i'll start breakfast!" Lucy yelped as she sprang to the kitchen, leaving Natsu in a jolted surprise.
In the kitchen......
Lucy is cooking(burning) breakfast. Ddddid Natsu just....... no, he didn't........ he wouldn't.... Natsu Dragneel doesn't flirt. He doesn't even know the meaning of flirt. Lucy took a deep breath. Maybe i'm over thinking this. Maybe Natsu's strange behavior is a side effect of the medication I gave him. Yea, that sounds right. Lucy smiled as she released her stress and placed the burnt breakfast on a plate. "Here you go Natsu!" Lucy said walking into her room. Natsu sat up without hesitation with his tongue hanging to the floor. "Awesome i'm starving!" Natsu said rubbing his hands together. At least his appetite seems to be back to normal. Lucy thought handing over the plate. "Lucy...." Natsu said. "What?" Oh crap. I burnt everything! "Natsu I..." Lucy began. "How did you know?! I love burnt toast!" Natsu grinned shoving the food down his throat.

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