Chapter 22

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Clouded from fatigue, a blonde mage silently shifted in her bedsheets. She was cold. Rather than exploding from her unfortold emotions that she was indeed naked, she mindlessly shrugged it off as she curled her chilled body against her heated boyfriend's side. He stirred, she froze. After shifting to face her, the dragonslayer wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. They were both awake, they knew that much, but without an awkward tensity, they remained silent. As if no words could express the feelings they held at that moment, they simply fed off eachother's presence. I need to stop passing out.. Honestly.. Lucy chuckled aloud, placing her bound fist against his slow beating chest. He exhaled slowly, releasing his complete and utter content. He leaned down and kissed her head. Lucy smiled. Barely ajaring her eyes, she took in the small view of attic she could discover from the fire-mage's grasp. The room was still, quiet. It felt alone compared to the couple in their bed. A light dusting of pink peaked through the window, barely highlighting the room's accents. It's early..... I'm still tired.. Lucy stirred, burying her face into Natsu's chest. I just want to lay here... I don't want to sleep... Lucy mindlessly began stroking his hair, until she felt his chuckle. "Hm?" she stirred. He breathed in her scent, "It's a bit early to be playing isn't it?" His voice quiet and raspy, but playful all the same. "I was cold." Lucy mumbled, feeling him smile, "Then you should stay close to me next time." suddenly feeling embarrased, Lucy pushed away weakly. "Come on, not ready for round two?" Natsu teased, chuckling as he felt the heat of her blush from below. "I was just kidding." He chuckled pulling her close. "But Luce.. You should know." He paused as he heard her gentle snore forming against his chest, whispering, ".. I'm far from empty."

A few hours later, Lucy began to stir once more. Comparing her surroundings to earlier, the attic space was now more clearly visable, casting shadows from the window. With this much light it must be past noon. No wonder I slept so well. Lucy chuckled, looking up at her drowling boyfriend, who held her in his arms. I don't want to wake him.. He must've been exhausted since he didn't sleep the night before. Carefully, Lucy tried to move out of his grasp. Surprisingly, the grip was loose, and she easily slipped free, gazing down at him thoughtfully from the bedside. She smiled. Don't sleep too long you fool, or you'll be up all night... Lucy blushed as she silently slapped her cheeks. STOP THAT, IDIOT, BEING A PERVERT IS HIS JOB! Lucy sighed, ..but if I think about it.. He was.. Able to relieve himself so many times the night before.. It was inhuman but.. Lucy pondered, he only finished with me once? But why? She studied him, before smiling in realization. Natsu wouldn't take advantage of me, even thought he craved to.. Take me so badly. Lucy smiled larger, purring at how the dragonslayer cared for their first experience. She blushed as she walked over to his side. He held back.. For me. Natsu.. Lucy felt precious yet guilty. She frowned, before bended to kiss his forehead, "Don't you dare hold back next time." She blushed, before hugging her sides for comfort from her own mind, to realize. ...gross..... I haven't showered in days!!! Lucy gagged. How does he stand me like this??? Lucy dazed off. I bet I can get in a quick shower before he wakes up, it might be a plesant surprise to know he's sleeping in bed with someone clean. Lucy glanced at the bed, realizing it was still covered in his past pleasures. ..Or maybe I can just enjoy the cleanliness while it lasts? Lucy took one last glance at her dragonslayer before carefully slipping on her(his) baggy shirt, and treading down the ladder.

Good thing I remembered where that bar of soap was! Lucy smelled the fragrance in her hands cheerfully. Now I remember there was a waterfall around here somewhere.. Hopefully it's not too cold, it's kinda cloudy today. Lucy walked along the lake's edge thoughtfully. Now if I can just find where the stream meets the lake.. There! Lucy stumbled upon the mouth of a small river that trickled down to the lake. Yes! Now I just need to travel up stream until I find it! She hesitated, then bent over to admire her reflection in the practically still lake water. She froze, then chuckled lightly in deviation. You really are possessive, aren't you, Natsu. She chuckled again, admiring the collar of hickies he left behind from yesterday's encounter. She smiled shyly, before skipped along through the forest, happily enjoying the peaceful chirps of birds and ripples of tree leaves overhead. I can see why he chose to live out here.. It's beautiful! Lucy smiled all around, admiring the scenery, before picking up the gentle noise of running water. I found it!! Lucy squealled as she approached the gentle cliff and it's running resource. Time to get clean!!! Without hesitation she grabbed the rim of her(his) shirt, but froze in thought. What if I'm not alone out here?.. I know his house is out in the middle of nowhere but.. Could someone else have had the same idea? Lucy peered around having second thoughts. I'll just have to be quick.. Though I doubt there's anything out here. Lucy brushed off her worries as she slowly pulled the shirt up and off, and hung it on a nearby tree, once again exposing her naked body. The waterfall was modest, yet easily rivaled any old showerhead. It was around twice Lucy's height, and dispersed water evenly over the sides, contributing to the small stream below with a soothing trickle. Lucy poked her toe into the small puddle of gathered water near the entry. It's kinda cold but not too bad.. I'll just have to settle for now. Sidestepping, she made her way under the current. Oh how I miss my warm bath!! She silently pleaded. It's colder than I thought it'd be! She shivered slightly, her body covered in goosebumps from head to toe. Despite the temperature, Lucy soon found peace under her temporary shower. This is actually kinda nice.... She gently rubbed the soap across and around her body, all while closing her eyes to take in the sounds of the forest. "Mmm.." she purred, allowing the gentle streams of water to cascade down her sleek body. Suddenly, she didn't feel alone, as a rustle of a bush forced her out of her trance. Frozen in place, she scanned her surroundings, carefully. Again, a bush shook, only this time it was closer. What's that..... Lucy stood still, unable to host an idea, overstruck by fear. With an adrupt pop, the bush stopped trembling, and out into the clearing came a small furry creature. Phew....... Lucy relaxed her tensed body. Of course there are creatures in these woods.. I'm so stupid. Lucy giggled at herself nervously. "At least it's cute." She calmed her gaze. The creature quirked it's head, raised onto it's hind legs as it sniffed curiously. Admiring the creature, Lucy soon noticed a larger creature not far behind, it's body shadowed from the bush. "Look out!" Lucy blurted hopelessly. Frightened, the small creature hopped quickly across the small stream, disappearing into the far bushes. A low growl sounded from where the bunny once was. Lucy, hesitately cocked her head in the direction of her fears. No longer hiding itself, a creature, much larger than the other, emerged into the clearing, appearing hostile and hungry. Lucy smiled out of shock, unable to move, she stared as the terrifying mound of fur slowly cornered her back under the waterfall. Help..... It came closer. Someone.... Help me........ It stepped into the water please........ It growled, leaning back on it's haunches, ready to pounce. "NATSU PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!" She screamed, shutting her eyes as she braced herself for her immediate death. Surprisingly, she heared a shrilling cry as the creature was suddenly sent out of her way and into the nearby ledge, making the cliff shutter at impact. Hesitately, Lucy opened her eyes to witness the creature, struck by horror, as it yelped and sprinted away into the far forest. Breathing heavily, Lucy turned her gaze to her miracle savior. "Nat-" He pinned her against the cliffside within a matter of milliseconds. "" Lucy called less surely. He only breathed. That was fast.. How did he know i'd be in trouble?...Lucy felt hesitant to ask, and rightfully so. An aura arose from within him, definitely not fire, but something distinct, Lucy was unsure if she was facing the real Natsu. In his state.. I can't believe I didn't notice him before he showed up... But.... He breathed out abruptly panting. What's wrong with him?....... "Thanks for.. S-saving me... Natsu...." In horror, Lucy immediately began to regret her words, as time slowed, and his dropped head slowly rose up her figure and pierced her eyes like a diamond to glass. "Who said you were safe." He rasped deeply. ....Natsu...... Is he under a spell?............ She shook, more so from fear than her freezing wet body. She studied him, finding it oddly difficult to break his intense gaze. She croaked, realizing what she had just done. He's.... He's not under a spell.... Is he.......... A wicked smile stretched across his jaw, before pressing his naked body as close as he could with his erect member prodding against her waist. " You called me, but getting rid of me won't be so easy." He chuckled in deep grunts as his body grinded into hers. ..what have I done.......... She did nothing but stare dumbfounded at the monster she had awoken, he looked hungry, no, completely overtaken by his unquenchable desires, growling, and terrifying the celestial mage more than the hairy beast that was scared senseless. Her body trembled, and with one broad shove, she was on her knees against the wall. He grasped her by her locks and forced her view upward. She followed his devish expression as he peered down into her, closely eyeing her reaction. He chuckled as his prodded her cheek with his thick erect cock. "Suck it." He demanded. Even with that cocky smile on his face, his tone still terrified her more than any side of him. Still frozen, Lucy carefully dropped her gaze to Natsu's enlongated shaft. It seems..... Bigger.. Than I remember.............. Lucy swallowed back the dry lump in her throat, staring hesitately. She felt the shadowed glare overhead, "Suck me. Now." His tone heavier with greed and temper. Lucy gently grasped his shaft with a shaking hand, "..okay..." she squeaked, slowly pumped it base to tip. He growled deeply, Lucy wasn't sure if it was out of satisfaction or displeasure, but she knew her answer when he called down in distaste, "Come on, if you don't hurry up, i'll make you do it later." He peered down with mischievous eyes, "And at that point, I don't think your tiny mouth will be able to handle it." He voiced quietly, almost daringly. What does he mean by that?... "I'm going to force it down your throat if you don't get to work." Scared at the thought, Lucy slowly began licking at his erect head. "Come on, faster." He urged. Yesterday he was taking his time.. Teasing me, taking it as slow as possible.. So why is he acting like this now? Lucy took up the pace as she slid his oversized cock a few inches inside her mouth. "Yea.. That's it." He hissed, rocking his hips in slow rhythm. Maybe I can just give him what he wants and he can explain after... I thought I relieved his last night though?.. Lucy thoughtfully sucked and licked his head, before Natsu abrupted snapped his fingers in her face, rephasing her attention. "Are you zoning out? Don't make me force you to focus." He grinned down at her, "I promise you won't like it." Yikes........ Lucy dismissed her thoughts as she got busy sucking down the length that she physically could, a mere half his shaft. She whimpered as his head prodded into the back of her throat. Painfully, she began pulling it out, until a tightning of grip in her hair told her otherwise. "Nah-uh." He glared. "All of it." She looked up in horror, trying to protest, realizing her mouth was full. That's impossible...... She improvised, sliding her mouth back and forth while covering the remaining area with her hand. Abruptly, he pulled back, releasing his large cock from her mouth. "You need to do what you're told." He growled. Shocked and catching her breath, Lucy looking up from the ground, her eyes pleading for mercy. He only chuckled. Natsu....... Reattaching his hand in her hair, he forced her head back against the wall. "Ow..." She whimpered as he leaned down, casting a shadow over her, "Open wide." He growled. Lucy swallowed before slowly opening her mouth into an "o", just enough for Natsu to roughly shove half his length back into her mouth. "Outta room?" He asked down, "Then i'll make room." Lucy's eyes grew wide as Natsu slid his length, all of it, down her throat with a progressing hiss. "That'ss better." He licked his lips. I can't breathe!! She struggled. Completely ignoring her, he tightened his grip in her hair, as he began thrusting his length slowly out, and abruptly back down, making Lucy gag. Looking up, she realized instead of being lost in pleasure, he was watching her, biting his lip, with a stretched grin of dominance and a rising growl in his throat. Lucy blushed, her eyes growing heavy. I.. I'm starting to enjoy this.......... But.... Natsu's grin stretched as he slowly stopped, before tensing his body, and thrusting madly into her throat. He groaned in pleasure, grasping her head with both hands, forcing her to engulf his entire length over and over again. Through the pain and panic Lucy kept her gaze. Practically trained by the dragonslayer not to lose eye contact, which only turned her on more. He stared into her unmoved by her silent pleas, thrusting faster. He groaned louder with each thrust. "Good girl." He growled pleasingly, now thrusting faster, groaning with each thrust, before slowing his thrust to be fast and hard, slamming his waist against her mouth with breaths of satisfaction:
Until growling deeply, shoving his full length down to cum. He watched her with interest as his massive load was took much for her to handle. "That's right.. Drink my seed. All of it." He breathed, but his eyes showed no signs of tiredness. So much cum!!.. I can't drink all think at once! I can't breathe!... Slowly pulling out, Lucy dropped to the ground, coughing and gasping, allowing a good amount of cum to leak from her mouth. She looked up at him in defeat, he frowned. "You wasted it." He growled. She stared in horror, "I... I didn't me-.." "No problem, it'll refill soon anyways." He chuckled. "Re... Refill?.." Lucy asked catching her breath. "Oh? I didn't tell you?" He jumped, pinning her to the ground. "I told you i'm part dragon, I have dragon senses." He smirked, "And I also have the mating senses of a dragon, which means." He whispered dangerously close to her face, "It's hard to empty my need." N... No way.... He reproduces sperm that quickly?.. Is that why his was able to cum so many times the other night?... He... She glared at him, horror-struck. He's got to be kidding.... "Why so shocked?" He played, once again whispering in her ear, "You're the one who told me not to hold back."

A/N: So I decided this scene would be too long to fit into my usual chapter lengths, so there will be more smut in at least the next chapter as well. Sorry for the wait!

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