Chapter 11

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Never had Lucy Heartfilia felt such remorse. Not even making a mistake in the midst of battle, or failing her guildmates, could compare to the horror of despair that swallowed her now. She had given away Natsu's location, and the very definition of his existence. And was now hopelessly stumbling over her own clumsy feet, to somehow prevent this inevitable nightmare. What have I done... Natsu.... Lucy began to tear up as her guildmates grew smaller and smaller as they sprinted towards Lucy's home. I need to get there before they do... but how.. Lucy hopelessly stumbled to the ground, to look up only to see Erza and Gray disappearing over the horizon. At that moment, Lucy kicked off her shoes of which splashed into the nearby riverwalk. Splash.. i'm near the river.. the river.. Lucy perked at the hope of an idea. To get to my house they have to run down until they meet the bridge.. but if I found a way to get across the river earlier.. I could just make it in time.. Lucy stood up in favor of the river's stretch, to see nothing but its natural state. Seriously?! not a boat or anything?! She sighed at her luck. I need to do something and fast or i'll never make it.. she thought hopelessly approaching the waters and gazing into her ragged refection. It's my fault... if I don't make it I could lose Natsu's trust forever.. Lucy grew determined. I can't let that happen, I'll do whatever it takes. At that, Lucy full of a little too much rush, jumped straight into the freezing cold river. As she surfaced, every limb of her was immediately awoken COLD!!! CC-CCOLDD! She shivered as she hopelessly half swam half struggled in her dress across the lapping river. Man I must look like a complete crazy person swimming in the river.. Lucy realized as she reached for the ledge. It doesn't matter.. I have to make it.. Natsu... Lucy determined, grabbed the edge and pulled herself up. With chilling streams of water choking at every part of her body, she began to run. Natsu. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I'm going to make this right.
Nearing the apartment, it looked untouched, but that didn't mean that it wasn't already contaminated with an (probably half-naked by now) ice maker, and an all-powerful (and frankly terrifying) Queen of the Fairies. Lucy was fully aware of this, until she approached the door. Locked, and the windows are still closed, I don't think they're here yet. Lucy, struck was a bit of hope, jumbled out her set of keys to unlock the door. Inside, she practically savaged her way up the smooth wooden steps and threw open her bedroom door. "Natsu! Get up! We need to hide you!" With no response, Lucy jumped to her own bedside and threw off the covers "Nat!-" Lucy froze, jaw dropped, at what he found.
Not moments later, a loud clash of armor and wood met. "WHY ARE THIS STEPS WET." Erza roared. "Where is he!" Gray appeared first, darting his eyes at every inch of the room. "Well! Lucy! What are you staring at?!" Gray grabbed Lucy by the shoulders and shook her. "Whoa, why are you all wet?" Lucy didn't respond, she didn't even blink. "What are you staring at? It's just an empty bed." That's right.. Lucy's mind echoed. It's just an empty bed.... it's just.. an empty bed.. "Where is he.. Erza, is he down there?!" Gray shouted through the door, only to find that she was in closer range than suspected. "Gray be quiet there is no need to shout when i'm right here" Erza scolded. "No, he's not downstairs, I checked everywhere." Could it be.. is he really not here.... Lucy's inner-panic began to awaken. Natsu where are you... Lucy blinked as she realized two of her guildmates standing on the other side of her bed, arms crossed. "Lucy, why did you lie to us." Erza sounded hurt yet frustrated. Lucy slowly looked up with tears forming. I didn't lie... I.. Lucy opened her mouth, but nothing came out. "Well Lucy, explain yourself." But she couldn't. A long sorrowful pause passed before Gray spoke in the coldest tone ever heard by Lucy. "So that's it then." His words swallowed Lucy whole. At that, Gray was already through the doorway and halfway down the stairs. At the sound of a door closing, Erza began for the door. Turning around before leaving the room, Erza dropped an envelope on the nearby table, and closed the door behind her. Still in her second life, Lucy slowly stumbled over to her door, and opened the envelope. It was a certificate, from Levi for the jewel they received for finding the missing necklace. A tear dropped and soaked into the paper. Lucy didn't care about the jewel. The only thing she could think of, was Natsu...

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