Chapter 21

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"Sorry Luce...... Just... Everything inside me is telling me to take you now...."
Then why don't you...
"To claim you as my own...."
Then why don't you...........
".... But I can't......"
Why not.......
"I don't want to hurt you.... I don't to lose your trust......."
I will always trust you Natsu.........
"It's just so selfish......."
He sighed, before heading for the door.
He hesitately looked back.
"I......I want you to be selfish........"
He turned and inhaled deeply as he swallowed, swiftly moving over the top of her forcing her down on the bed.
"...... Are you sure... Luce........"
Lucy swallowed and blushed deeply
"Yes Natsu....."
He breathed heavily into her neck, "..Then brace yourself."
He inhaled slowly, as if to calm what yearned to burst out of him, before foundating himself over her and slowly tracing his tongue to her earlobe, and whispered, "If at any point you want me to stop..-"
Without thinking, Lucy abruptly grabbed Natsu by his hair and slammed his lips against hers. Natsu... Don't back out now... Please......... His lag to respond told Lucy he was more than a little surprised, considering Lucy wasn't usually the type to take charge. I'm surprised too Natsu...... I'm not sure what came over me........... It didn't take long for Natsu to sink into Lucy's lips like a thick juicy apple. His fangs plucked at her bottom lip, earning a small whimper from the celestial wizard. He nipped a little harder, this time piercing her delicate skin and drawing a bit of blood. He smiled with greed, licking at her wound and inhaling deeply. "Mmmmmm strawberries." He voice grew dark and husky. "And vanilla..." He breathed before sucking the blood from her bottom lip. Swiftly tucking his hand behind her head, he tilted her back and slithered his tongue into her mouth. Natsu?!... Lucy's breathing hiked as his tongue thrusted itself at hers. She gave his a gentle flick, before he laced his under hers and slicked it back and forth in a thrusting motion. Lucy moaned .... Shit.......... Natsu quickened his tongue thrusts, opening his mouth slightly for easier access. Lucy clamped her lips around him and sucked his tongue as it left and entered her mouth. A deep growl, more like a purr, echoed up through his chest and into Lucy's mouth, giving her chills. Stop it Natsu.......... No don't stop..... I mean.................. Natsu slowly slicked his tongue back into his own mouth, before licking her honey dew saliva from his lips. "Delicious." He breathed before latching to her neck. I remember this.... From the massage..... He... Natsu slowly licked from the dip in her collarbone to the hem of her jaw, generously teasing. ...that... Lucy gulped, making Natsu hungerly latched his fangs into the side of her neck, checking her elite pulse with taste alone. Sucking, and popping her neck free to swell, before inching across, and latching again. And again. And again. Natsu..... How hungry are you........... Finally allowing her exposed neck to breathe in agony, he shifted cockily to admire his work, before carefully reaching down to slip his arm under her(his) shirt, and snake it up her chest, while slowly licking up to her ear. Lucy's skin chilled as she felt his fingers brush the bottom of her left breast. She whimpered, shutting her eyes briefly, hoping he hadn't heard, or at least ignored it. He didn't. When she opened her eyes, they met his. Immediately blushing, she only blushed harder realizing his usual intense stare was replaced by a combination of lust, greed, and bitter agony. He's desperate..... Don't look at me like that Natsu............ He studied her cautiously, like a wild beast eyes his prey before devouring it. He slowly balled up the fabric in his hand and stretched it down, slowly forcing Lucy's hard sensitive nipples to slide against the fabric, forcing her to bite down on her sore lip. He tugged roughly, still eyeing her. "You don't mind if I get rid of this.. Do you." His voice now consumed his greed. Deep and husky, like the fire in his eyes. It was more of a command than a question. He was teasing her. Lucy simply blushed crimson and shook her head til it made her dizzy. What?.. My body feels.. Hotter than usual..... Natsu chuckled deeply before bursting flames through his hand, completely evaporating the shirt. "N.. Natsu?!?!" Lucy jumped. "Shh." He pressed a finger firmly to her lips. "Just let me work." He whispered before licking at her earlobe. She shivered in excitement, before Natsu slide down her body, and flicked her sensitive nipples, making them even harder. He growled in satisfaction before flicking his tongue at her left breast. Lucy watched with anticipation, holding her breath, unable to cope with the incoming pleasure, so she hid it. She hid it until Natsu's dark gaze met hers, she blushed, and never broke his eye contact, until he slithered his tongue under her breast, guiding his mouth to suck on her enlongated nipple. "Oh!.." Lucy moaned as her eyes rolled back. Natsu purred into her nipple, gently nipping it as he playfully squeezed her other with a free hand. I don't care anymore... I'll let him hear it if that's what he wants........... He released his touch and paused, watching her pant. W.. What is he doing?.. He let out a -huff- before moving further down her body, abruptly slapping his hands on her thighs, making her jump and yelp. She stared flusterly down at the dragonslayer's calm hunger. "Good, now that i've got your attention.." His hands traveled rhythmically to straddle her waist. "Spread'em." Lucy blushed, facing the far cieling corner as a distraction. Why is he asking permission?.... Why am I so embarrased?... She blushed crimson while slowly opening her legs. A little head space, and Natsu bit into her inner thigh, after slapping the outside of her other. ..shit!.... Lucy glanced down hesitately, once again meeting his hard unforgiving eyes. "Watch me." He stated. W..what?..... He spread her legs out fully, before sinking his head, locking his gaze with her. Once his face lingered but centimeters from her pussy, he released a hot breath, before inhaling the sweet aroma of his meal. Lucy glanced off, earning a furious ass squeeze from his impatience. "I said. Watch me." He growled. Lucy nodded in haste, unable to disobey his intimidation. How can I watch this............ At last Natsu kissed at her clit, earning partically seized groans. Which only lit her face up more as Natsu glared at her in hunger. She may be the one getting eaten out, but Natsu was getting the real show. And he was pushing her to her limits to get it. Damn it Natsu........ Lucy bit her lip as he flicked his slick tongue against her. You're not playing fair........ Occasionally he stopped to drink her expelling juices, growling with a thirst that cannot be quenched. Stop it........ He now caressed her clit between his lips, sucking and licking it with powerful friction. Lucy moaned in defeat. You win......... She moaned louder. I give up................. She moaned in desperation. What will it take to make you stop................ Lucy followed his unbreakable gaze, as she slowly grabbed her own breasts and let her lust show through her embarrasment. "Oh..... Natsu!...." She moaned loudly, and with that, Natsu was grounded over her, staring into her eyes. She lost her confidence. And swallowed. "Luce." He replied, waiting for her next move. What does he want?...... I don't understand...... "W-.. Why..... W-... What're you.. Um... Waiting.... Um........." Lucy grew more vulnerable as she studdered. Natsu stared unbreakingly, before dipping his mouth to her ear, panning back out to her lost gaze as he growled, " I want you to beg for it." He chuckled darkly. "P..please... Natsu......." "Not good enough." His grin stretched. "Natsu....... Please............." He chuckled some more. Lucy paused before entangling her fingers in his hair and pulling him down for a kiss, immediately swiping her tongue across his bottom lip for access, and plunging desperately into his mouth, moaning, and flicking her tongue to the extreme, only she didn't have to force it anymore. He broke the kiss, lust built up in his eyes, but his expression changed nonetheless. Lucy felt hopeless. What is it.... Just tell me what it is and i'll do it...... She silently pleaded. Desperate, she slowly pulled her leg up and rubbed the bend into his engorged groin. He gasped. Bingo. Without thinking Lucy forced herself up and pushed Natsu onto his back, bewildered, he watched as she frantically got onto her knees over is encaged erection. "Luce...." He called. Is this what you want Natsu?.. Let me help you..... She slid a hand up the outside of his peaking fabric, making him hisss at the sudden contact. Let me help you... In a trance, Lucy tugged at the hem of his boxers. He watched her and repeated, "Luce.." Don't worry, I'll take them off for you. Lucy slipped her hand cautiously down his boxers, until she gently grasped his thick member. All together she slid one hand up and another hand down to allow his desperate cock to spring free. Fuck....... He's....... Huge................ "Luce......" Oh right... Eye contact.... One sec............. Lucy stared at his enlarged member in awe. Natsu..... Could you put that in me please...... Lucy's wet vagina contracted at the thought. Slowly she wrapped her hand around the base, unable to touch fingertips if she tried. He cock was slick, so she wasted no time. She began pumping him at a fair pace, making his body tense and arch slightly. I love this..... Natsu.........I...... "I love your cock...." She blurted, but she didn't care, it only made her pump him faster in excitement. She could hear him gasping for air, but was too hypnotized to break her line of eye contact. Suddenly she stopped, allowing Natsu to catch his breath, before slowly leaning over the tip and lapping it generously. Natsu groaned deeply. Oh!... Right.. Eye con-" Lucy finally made contact with Natsu, but the look on his face went from cool collected greed, to desperate uncontrollable lust. He stared at her half-lidded, gritting his teeth as he breathed like an overworked engine. Oh... Maybe if I........ Lucy slowly formed a tight "o" with her lips, as she slowly took him into her mouth. Watching him, she fell into a rhythm. Making him grunt each time she forced a mere half length back into her tiny mouth. She watched his lust build, thrilled to serve him, as he bucked uncontrolably up into her mouth. Do you like it Natsu?.. Am I doing a good job?.. She sucked him faster, and faster, until abruptly, Natsu nudged her off with his knees, pushing her onto her back into her respective place. He crawled over her, panting, dripping with sweat and hair covering the look in his eyes. W.. What did I do....... Lucy felt a familiar mix of excitement and fear. Her glance couldn't settle between his mysterious expression or his long, thick, dangling cock. He breathed heavily, until he started chuckling, looking her in the eyes with unspeakable determination. "I'm all fired up now." He growled deeply. Oh god yes......... " Oh yes please, Natsu......." She moaned his name spreading her thighs wide. He effortlessly adjusted himself and teasingly slicked his erect head against her clit. "Please Natsu......... I want you inside me. Please..." Lucy whinned. Wasting no time, Natsu slicked his cock down, slipping the head inside, before slowly entering his full length. Shit he's too big!!.. Lucy yelled in painful pleasure. He held his mouth open, releasing one, long, satisfactory moan. It's so big............. Natsu.......... He panted, jaw facing the ceiling, before Lucy called his name, "Natsu.... Fuck me.........." He grunted, and pulled his cock out of her wet tight pussy, paused, and slammed it back in. "Ahhhh!!!!" Lucy screamed in pleasure, as Natsu began thrusting his cock deeper and faster. "Fuck Luce.... You're so tight...." He growled fixing his gaze into hers as she stared back half-lidded, mouth ajar and filling the attic with echoed moans while he slammed the bed against the wall. He fell into a rhythm, thrusting both deep and fast into her dripping wet pussy, slamming his desperately large cock into her g-spot. She moaned each time his head slicked across it. "Oh...oh... Oh... Oh......" Lucy grew more desperate. "Natsu....... Please..........." He groaned, "Oh fuck Lucy.... I'm gonna......." "Cum Natsu.......... Cum inside me..............." She pleaded.
"Ah.... NATSU!!"
With a roar, Natsu began unleashing his seed. Moaning with each thrust as he rid out his ejaculation.

A/N: Normally don't do A/N, but just letting you know there will be another lemon next chapter if this one wasn't to your satisfaction. Thank you all for enjoying my work!

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