Chapter 17

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Natsu abandoned her back and went straight for her neck, one side he caressed with his hand, as he swirled his thumb into her tissue. The other side.. He caressed with his mouth.
.... N.. Natsu?...
Lucy opened her mouth as her breathing hiked.
Natsu sucked the life and words out her, leeching onto her neck, occasionally popping her skin free and exhausting a husky hot breath across her delicate collarbone. She shivered, which Natsu responded with body contact, taping his body down around hers. I.... I can't think... What's happening.... Natsu's.........
Exhaling, he slowly bit into the crease between her neck and shoulders, Lucy couldn't have prepared for that. She whimpered silently feeling his teeth latch onto her as his tongue slowly yet impatiently scathed her delicate skin. She could've swore she felt a growl echo through his chest, yet she never heard it escape his mouth. He effortlessly retrieved his free hand to slowly cascade down her shoulder, skimming the outskirts of her right breast, until he grasped into her hip. N....Natsu?........... She couldn't say it, in her head she could barely process it. Her mouth had gone dry as she gasped silently into the dark room for air. She could feel every inch of his body. His tight chest pushing into her newly formed back, legs closing around hers, and his well defined hipbones, capturing and squeezing her ass. Oh my god... I'm.... Natsu's eyelashes teased the back of her neck, she shivered once more. I'm falling..... Without warning Natsu ground his hips deep into her ass, exposing a well-grown member growing beneath his boxers. Oh my god... Natsu.... You're so...... He slowly ground his erection down into her, releasing a deep primal groan.
Lucy froze all of a sudden regaining her thoughts, blushing madly. ".. Natsu?......" She called like helpless prey. Lucy felt Natsu's body tense, and all of a sudden she didn't feel Natsu at all. With quick shuffling and a matress squeak, Lucy didn't have to turn around to know Natsu was sitting on the edge of her bed, but she did anyway, slowly. Using the pillow to cover her cleavage, Lucy moved to craddle her arms around her bent legs. Lucy didn't say anything. It was dark, but the moonlight that peered through the curtains outlined Natsu's silhouette.
Lucy swallowed, not because she was scared, but because the sight was so breathtaking, until she noticed his posture. He was slacking over, his elbow proped just above his knee to support the hand which grasped to his forehead and followed into his hair. His figure was tensing into itself. He was tensing so much she could hear it. "Natsu........" He froze, and slowly turned his gaze to the wall, not able to meet hers. Now that the moon didn't mask his features, Lucy could make out the pained look on Natsu's face, not from sadness, but frustration, almost as if he were battling something within himself. His jaw was relaxed, but his eyes were shut tight, not to open. What.. What's he doing... Natsu.. I didn't mean it like that.. You're scaring me you know.. Why did you withdraw so quickly?.. "Natsu?." Lucy asked gently, careful not to expose the wrong tone. Natsu tensed intimately once more, before relaxing completely, and surprisingly opening his eyes just enough to see Lucy. She couldn't tell, but she thought he was smiling, just a little. "Sorry, Luce." his gaze gently meeting hers. "..Natsu?.." Is that all I can say?.. He said he wouldn't try anything.. So why am I not upset that he did?... To her surprise, he smiled a little more freely and chuckled, almost looked like he was blushing. "Guess I got a little carried away ey?" He grinned guiltily, scratching the back of his head. Okay now i'm getting mad. He turned his head to view her completely, realizing she was still half naked he got up to retrieve her clothes. "C'mon Luce I was just messin' with ya." He grinned handing her the bra and shirt. She slowly sunk her head down, ".. Bullshit." Natsu, why. Why would you try to act like it was all a joke when it clearly wasn't. What has gotten into you?.. Lucy looked up at him with a glare that displayed her thoughts quite well. A match to Natsu's serious look, only in his eyes he looked disappointed. He gently rested her clothes on her knees as he walked towards the door. "Where are you going." Lucy asked a little less sympathetically. "A trip I should've taken a long while ago, want to come?" Lucy felt the anger drain out of her. He's going to the guild?.. But at this hour not even the master will be there... So why? "Yea.. Just give me a sec." Lucy retreated to the bathroom, grabbing a fresh change of clothes on the way to replace her soiled ones.

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