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As I disappeared from the young boys sight, I was teleported to the underworld, the realm where my uncle domains. Uncle Helio or commonly known as Hades, is the God of the underworld, what is in front of me is the side of a cliff that stretches as far as you can see, seemingly endless. There is no water and no life, what greets me is a dark thick iron door thirty feet high and twenty feet wide.

With a swipe of hand the door was open, souls and creatures of the dark attempted to escape through the door when they saw it begins to open, but when they saw me on the other side standing, they hurriedly ran back inside. I just chuckled at their behavior, thinking that they can escape. When I was fully inside, I turned around and swipe my hand in the direction of the door and it closed instantly. I walk through the road that leads to my uncle's castle.

As I passed by the inhabitants of the underworld, they would ran away in fear and those that were brave enough stood still and lowered their head as a sign of respect as I walk by. Upon arriving in front of the castle, I was let in by the guards immediately. Obviously I didn't need any assistance to get to my uncle, I found him in his thrones room torturing Alexander's mind, I should have known he wouldn't be to keen nor forgiving for Alexander's action. He was too focused in what he was doing that he didn't notice me, so to get his attention I put a stop to his torturing by a snap of my finger.

He was annoyed and was about to yell until he saw me. The scowl on his face vanished and was replaced by a warm and welcoming smile. If you didn't know him personally you'd think he was cold and heartless which is true most of the times, he only shows kindness and care to those who he treasures.

"My beloved nephew!! Finally you decide to visit your old lonely uncle."

He stared at me with all seriousness and I couldn't help myself to burst out laughing and he joined me afterwards.

"It's good to see you too uncle! Stop being a drama queen, that's my job. "

I said this while going up to him to give him a nice big hug. My uncle is a very intimidating man with his height reaching almost seven feet tall with coal black hear and almost black soulless eyes.

"Now, tell me dear beloved nephew, what in the names of death brings you here in my humble abode"
" Oh! Can't I visit my own uncle now?"
" Of course, not! But I know you need something or rather want something, correct me if I'm wrong dear."
" Hahahaha, will you got me, I guess there's no need to delay, I ned you to free a captive of yours, Amanda."
" As much as I want to dear, that cannot happen, you see no one escapes the underworld, and I mean no one!"
" Will uncle, I wasn't asking now am I!!!??? I am ordering you to release her, and I mean it now.!!"
" That's my nephew, bossy and commanding if needed and sweet if he wants too. Ok I'll release her soul, but you really need to vitit me much often."

He held out his fist and opened his hand, revealing the soul of Amanda. That supposedly mate of mine is a homophobic bastard, and he was in love with this woman, than so be it.

I took the soul from my uncle's palm and kissed his cheeks, before saying goodbye. As I walk out of the castle, the sky of the underworld was covered jn black clouds and and roaring red lightning rages on, I was right on time as a blast of lightning struck me, teleporting me from the underworld back to the mortal realm.

I walk with a bounce with every step I make through the thick forest leading to my ex mate's packhorse, that I'm sure his at, like the underworld, the storm was raging here, with heavy rainfall and strong winds, but that did not affect me and my jovial mood.

As I was nearing the edge to the wide open field of grass, I vanished and appeared in his room, where he was seating on his bed and watching the storm outside. "I see you're entertaining yourself." I said with much fondness in my voice, breaking him from his deep thoughts, he growled at me and was about to jump at me, he never got the chance, because he was held in place with an invisible force. I walked over to him and touched his checks, letting him move again.

I walk to the window and leaned on the windowsill making myself comfortable before speaking. His eyes were following my every move. "You not need to be alarmed, I did not come here to punish you, rather I came here to give you a gift." He stayed silent foe a while before answering. " And what would that be!!" His voice was dripping with anger " You do not wish to be my mate, ok. I will release you from the bond. You cant accept me because I am a man, you brainwashed yourself with your own make-believe standards when it comes to mates, so I will give you what you want, and I hope you will find peace and happiness with her"

I opened my palm holding the soul of Amanda, but what is the use of a soul without a body, so with a snap of my fingers she had her body back, I released the soul and it immediately went to the body, it stayed still for a few second before drawing in a deep breath.

He was startled and shocked, from the open mouth and wide eye look was clear giveaway. "As promised here she is, I hope you find happiness Alexander."

After that I was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2020 ⏰

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