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Gabriel's POV

The event that happened a few hours ago left me thinking " Where did I go wrong?" I always told myself never to use my powers unless it's necessary. I never spared a thought  of looking into my future, on what's going to happen to me, and I guess that is my fault why im hurting at this moment.

I wanted to be fair, like every other being, to let destiny take its course, but I was a fool to do such. For I am the maker or destinies, I shapre reality, and I forgot who I am, that I am a God. But no more, I will not stand by and not do anything. I will punish those who have done unforgivable sins, the worst mistakes.

Now here I am lying on the snow on top of Mount Everest. The air is very refreshing, very soothing and calming. Just what I needed to relax and calm down, before I do something stupid like kill a special someone and have his home be rained down by fire, drowned in water and swallowed by the earth..No,no hahahaha that's a bit to much and if I did that I would have been very merciful.

We'd a more calm mind, I stood up from my spot on the white blanket of snow, dusted my self. I made my wing appear, I was done masking my powers. I tore down my masking spell and let my powers and Aura show. It has been a long time since I felt this free. I stretched my wings wide and flew to the sky faster a thousand times faster than a bullet could ever be, and I wasn't even using 3 percent of my speed.

The next moment I'm in my aunt's realm, The realm of the moon goddess herself. Selene. As my wings slowly descended me to the white group, It immediately recognized my presence. The spot wher I stood started to glow bright white, I stamped a single foot on the glowing surface and right away the light spread everywhere. It turn the trees gold, with different colors of fruit. The most mesmerizing thing about this place iss the big silver tree in the middle, with gold apple like fruits. It gaves Immortality to any creation of the the goddess. Even I could do that with a snap of a finger but I haven't found someone who is worthy enough of such girt.

I went over to the tree and saw my aunt, I sat beside her as she was humming a beautiful tone " I am sorry for what happened to you my dear nephew, I was hoping Alexander would change himself to be a better person for his mate." she said with sadness in her eyes as she looked at me. I give her a reassuring smile and gentle held her hand.  " Do not feel guilty Aunt Selene, their hearts and mind are beyond our control. We may shape their reality but forcing something to them is never my way. You should know that." she just nodded, understanding my point.

"But I know it still hurts you. He was your mate after all." I just chuckled at her statement " Yes he was my mate. But I wasn't greatly affected by the rejection, I was rather offended by his insults, I was trying so hard not to murder him, a few tears manage to appear." she was baffled by my statement " but how is that possible Gabriel??" she was genuinely confused "Aunt Selene, I maybe part werewolf also but I do not have an inner wolf, that is why I do not feel such pain, and It's better this way. I want to fall in love with someone's heart, mind and soul, not just because of a bond. I want to grow to love the person day by day." She smiled fondly of me while caressing my cheeks.

"I'm sure you will find this person someday. And before you ask, I already give you permission to punish that mate of yours." I just laughed at her while standing up.I said my goodbyes and went away.

I don't want to go back to the mortal world yet, so I decided to go to the realm that I was building. I haven't finished it yet because I was busy in the mortal world. Now that I have time I can finally Finnish this. The realm is a wide single piece of land that is floating above the clouds, the clouds are bottomless. The land stretches over a hundred miles, with water falling to the bottomless abyss of white clouds.

Beautiful tall tress surround the land, whith white tall stone pilars and gold carving. Of course I need to make place where I'll be staying. As I stepped on the ground a beautiful act like entrance formed, along with with marble pathway and landscape gardens left and right. At the didtance a pathenon like structure rose from the ground, but this one looks also looks like a mansion or a castle, it was hard to explain but it was breathing.

The surrounding of the structure was also gorgeous, with beautiful flower gardens and silver frost tress with golden apple like fruits, almost the same from the moon goddess's realm, but mine is different because the tree bares gems and other beautiful stones. If I eat these kinds of fruit it wouldn't do anything to me. But if eaten by a mortal or a supernatural being, his/her illnesses will be cured, they will have life span and if I permit you to eat a golden fruit, than you shall have Immortality. But without my permission the fruit can curse you or take your life, you take your pick.

As I entered my new home I was flooded by warmth and comfort, contrary to other people's belief that if the place is too big then it is lonely. Not on my case. I feel af home. I went to my throne room and sat down It was made of pure white marble with gold trimmings, decorated with intricate carvings and cristals. by now you've guess that I love white marble and ancient architecture form the Romans, Greeks and even french.

I am powerful, and I am in control. I admired my handy work and went to my chambers to rest,Knowing no one can Enter this realm without my permission. I closed my eyes and let myself be drift into sleep, dreaming of a new tomorrow. A new tomorrow that I can create, that I am in control of. Where no one can hurt me.

My sleep was peaceful, with the soothing and enchanting Melody that only plays in my realm. When I wake up tomorrow prepare yourself Alexander, you will know who is God.

Love³ Yan yan 😘 😘😘

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