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Gabriel's POV

So it has already been a few days since roy discovered my true identity, to think about it i could just erase his memories and make up something so he won't know the truth, but i really like him, not in a romantic way. I mean as a friend his really nice and kind and has that calm friendly vibe with him, so yeah.

It was an ordinary day, at least for me it is. I did my morning routine and went to school early, as always. I went to the library and got myself a few books to read and went to class. As expected I was the first one to arrive, I read my book and waited patiently for class to start. As I was waiting, my phone buzzed, telling me that I got myself a text message, I took my phone out of my pocket and read the message. The message was from Filex, It says “ my lord, may we request to have you for tomorrows celebration?” “ what's the reason for such a celebration that you want me to be there Filex?” “We just want to celebrate this new pack that you have created, It would be such an honor to have you there my lord. " sure thing. and filex, drop the formalities. just call me gabby".

I was already halfway through my book when people started entering the classroom. Len sat on the chair in front of me while Lennie took the chair at my left side. " hey guys, you wanna join me tommorow?" "what about?" asked Len " well filex told me they were having a celebration for the establishment of the new pack, so you wanna go?" " sure, that sounds fun." said Lennie.

Our professor arrived after a few minutes and started teaching about the fundamental principles of social science, while we were already halfway through the discussion, Alexander entered the room with his girlfriend Amanda

our professor was already giving them the death glares, but they payed him no attention. Instead took the seats at the back, or should i say seat (singular), because Amanda had other things in mind, she sat on Alexander's lap and started having a make out session.

Gosh, seriously. Get a room you two, people are trying to listen here. I thought to myself, because their moans and other disturbing sounds can be heard resonating across the room, and you don't even need super hearing to hear them, like what the jeez! but of course i need to listen to the discussion that is almost over, so i tuned them out and just gave my full attention to the professor.

Soon after 10 minutes, the lecture was over, so me, Len and Lennie went to our next class which was the study of thoughts AKA philosophy, the class went well and so does my next classes.

It was already lunch time so we decided to go to the cafeteria, but I told them to go ahead because i still
need to change my books for my last class ( yes, i only have 1 class left for my afternoon. just so you know) I was about to leave when I heard someone moaning and a locker clanging, when i turned my head, there i saw the two bunny brained couple ( Alexander and Amanda) making out again, i was already walking away when someone called my name, when i turned around i saw Roy running towards me. " hey"  he said when he reached me, he was out of breath by the way. " hey, you ok?" " yeah, so you wanna have lunch?my treat!"  "sure, you can join me and my friends" " awesome".

So we made our way to the cafeteria to have lunch.

sorry for the super slow update and for this sort chapter. But I hope you'll continue to follow Gabby's story..

Love³ Yan-yan😘.
dont forget to vote and comment. And again my apologies for all the typos and the wrong wordings.. it's not me, it's my phone's auto corrections.

The worst mistakeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora