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Alexander's OPV

The last thing That I remember before passing out was the face of Gabriel. I looked at my arms, chest and legs to check the damage done. That was hella painful, to tell you the truth. I was surprised to see that there wasn't  anything. Everything seems fine, like nothing happened, but I know that I was not dreaming or hallucinating.

I stood up from the infirmary bed and went out to go to the kitchen to get some water. The weirdest thing that I noticed is that no one was inside the infirmary, no pack doctor or healer. The hallway to the kitchen was devoid of any human life, I could not see or smell anyone at all. The moment I got to the fridge I got myself a bottle of cold water to quench my dry throat.

Still disoriented from the event that happened a few hours, or maybe it has already been a few days already. I walk aimlessly, walking without a particular destination, I ended up outside on the open field of grass.

The sky was blue with a few clouds passing by, it was oddly peaceful, but no one was around.

I tried mind linking be with my parents even my friends, but I got nothing, just static. I was focusing too much that I didn't notice a man standing behind me. He was tall and  muscular, but the thing that caught my attention is his eyes. They were black, no whites just pure black.

"How does it feel?" He whispered in my ear. I was confused, on what he was talking about. Then he started laughing, it was not joyous nor amusement, it was filled with ...I can't even describe the feeling, it was beyond evil and it was directed at me.
"Who are you? What do you want? Where am I?" He didn't answer my questions, he kept looking at me up and down, inspecting my body. He grinned with joy, but something tells me otherwise.

"Such a shame, what a pretty face you have, but sadly what's inside is not as pretty as the outside. Just a spoiled apple wrapped in sweet caramel."

"Who do you think you are to talk to me like that!!!?" He just hummed a tone I don't recognize. Out of nowhere, blue flames appeared on where he stands. The moment he looked at me, I felt the same burning feeling like before, a feeling I know to well. Hell's fire.

"Oh wow, look at you. You're pretty hot, might I say your lit." He said sarcastically while I was rolling around in pain. A moment ago I was rolling around in pain, the next thing I know, I was being held by the neck till my feet was barely touching the ground, he wasn't even touching of moving. I can feel the air leaving my body, I couldn't breathe, and then it all stopped. I was frantically trying to catch my breath, after I filled my lungs with air, I looked up from the ground that was once green grass but now it's a black marble tiles.

The moment I lifted my head up, the guy was now seating in a throne like chair. I barely understand what he said before it finally hit me. "Sweet dreams Alexander."

I woke up screaming and covered in sweat, I was breathing heavily when the doctor walked in alongside him was the nurse. She immediately went to the side and got me a glass of water, I drank the water like a deprived cave man. The doctor checked my vitals and all the wires that was attached to my body, after his done, he told the nurse to get my parents.

I just stared at the ceiling until they arrive, my parent's were notat all that concerned. My mom came over to me to check my temperature with her palm and then she said I was fine. The doctor said there was nothing wrong with me, so he said I can leave anytime I want. So when I told them that I want to leave immediately, they removed all the wires and contraption attached to me. My parent's said that I should eat, so I went to the kitchen and ate a PBG sandwich. When I was done I headed back to my room, I didn't go to bed, instead I took a nice relaxing hot shower to ease my muscles. After getting dressed I heade for my bed, but I caught a glimpse of dark storm clouds from my window.

As the rain opens it's flood gates, and the wind was howling I felt empty, I felt alone. Iwas just seating on my bed while watching the storm outside, lost in my thoughts I hadn't noticed my dad entered my room, he stood by the window also observing the event that is happening outside. He was silent for a long time before he spoke?
"Why did you do it son?" His voice was full of sadness. I dont understand what he was talking about until he asked again "Why bo have to hurt yourself? Why can't you accept fate? Where did we go wrong? You were given the opportunity to be happy, why would you reject that?"

I stared at my dad with emotionless eyes as I said "I will not love a man, I refuse to go down that low." The sighed with frustration walking to the door, before he opened the door he said "Then I guess you made your choice. But remember, it is not too late to change and do the right thing." Then he wald out the door, leaving me alone again.

I layed my head down on the pillow and let myself fall asleep with the the lights of the storm as my night light.

The worst mistakeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora