Something rotten in the dark

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Ezra and I returned the next day, very early in the morning. I yawned, because I had not gotten up that early for the last century at least.

The streets were empty and we found the house, in which Lilith was supposed to live in, in well known darkness.

"How long should we wait again?", I asked annoyed and freezing and my boyfriend rang the bell another time determinedly.

He waited and stepped back: "I have no idea. Maybe she's not sleeping in tonight, maybe she's having a sleepover somewhere."

"Lilith is not the sleepover type, more the stay over and have a one night stand type", I mumbled into my scarf and Ezra looked at me, his brow raised.

"I'm just saying, maybe she didn't sleep at her house tonight", he continued, "Maybe we also mixed up her shifts and she had a night shift this time."

I shook my head and stepped down the slippery stairs. It was very cold and still very dark for six in the morning, which made me yawn again.

"I don't think she wants us to visit her anyways. She is probably not opening the door, even if she's there."

"Why would she do that? This house has no cameras or anything and she can't see us from her windows in this angle."

I had to laugh and turned around: "Ezra do you know how early it is? It's six in the morning. I wouldn't leave my bed either, if I was her, just to open the door for two enemies who want to disturb my sleep."

"Yes I get it, it's too early for you", Ezra sighed and he looked pressured.

"Hey", I nudged him friendly, "I don't want to bother you with that, but I don't think it's making sense. Lilith is a very disciplined Reaper who sticks to the rules extremely. We should come back later again, after breakfast."

Ezra nodded. He looked helpless for a second, but he reached out for my hand I held open for him at the foot of the stairs.

We did return later, but it didn't help us any. Lilith wasn't home again.

"I start to believe she's moved out", said Ezra and I tilted my head.

"You think so? But this is the only address we have, there would be another one if she moved", I cleared and sighed, "This all doesn't make sense."

We stood in the yard of the quiet house and looked up to the windows of Lilith flat. The curtains blocked the looks from people on the street and everything was calm. Too calm for my taste.

Ezra lowered his head and looked at me: "We should come back later."

"Again?", I asked, "We said that the other two times already. I'm getting a really weird feeling from this."

"Do you think I try to manipulate you or what?", Ezra suddenly asked sharply and I looked at him confused.

"What are you taking about?"

"You say it as if it was my fault that Lilith isn't home all the time", he said and I shook my head confused.

I narrowed my eyebrows while looking at him: "Ezra are you okay? You look very pale."

"Sorry if this is my natural skin colour", he said almost with a hiss, but I didn't flinch.

"Ezra, you should eat something", I meant with determination, but he shook his head.

"I don't want to eat!", he said loudly, "I want you to say the truth. I am keeping you from being the successful magician Life values so much, because all of humanity rests on your shoulders."

"Ezra what is wrong with you?!"

My boyfriend and I glared at each other. I could see hate and confusion in his eyes and his pupils were widened, as if he had been drugged. The blue was no longer dark, but very light blue and almost milky. Something was very wrong.

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