Death Day and cemetery battles

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I wanted to fight the monster, but I had no chance against it without magic. I was weak and the crying and cursing didn't help with gaining more power.

"Stop that!", I screamed and I tried to pull the devil backwards.

I stumbled backwards and was dragged along by Death, when in front of me a Giver was slaughtered by a skull face, the blood draining the white uniform. I was shocked.

I had witnessed murder before. I had been there at mass murders and wars and had ended suffering, leaving dead bodies behind. But I had never seen this cruelty, never this lack of morals, and hate all at once.

"Get up", the monster snarled and pulled me up harshly.

He tried to get me away from the slaughter for safety, so I couldn't do anything with my magic around the destruction that was pleasing him. He growled like a wild animal eager for blood and with every scream he seemed to get stronger.

"Why do you risk all that?", I wanted to know and braced myself as the devil stopped and turned to me: "Excuse you weak mortal?"

"Why do you risk all that power to exist in this form in this dimension just to throw the earth into chaos?", I asked again, this time more specific for the small mind of the monster.

"Little know it all has no plan, I see", he said mockingly and his bug eyes were turning bitter, "My kingdom is weak. The time in this dimension made people want to become independent from the church, away from believing in me and hell as a place for sinners. But in god they still believe, they always see the good, of course and forget the reality."

"You can't tell anyone what to believe and what reality has to be for them", I said and the shoes of Death were kicking me in the calves.

The devil narrowed his eyes and the malicious smirk returned, exposing his beastly teeth: "Oh no? I can't? But what if the humans see something with their own eyes that isn't to explain without the discovery that there has to be a devil? That there has to be a place he rules and lives?"

I stumbled forwards, cursing this monster in my head. I was too helpless at the moment to act stupid and I let him continue his explanation. I wanted to know what was really going on.

"And now think about it mortal. When all people will see me and when all of them will die still today, my power will be restored. I will no longer be weak and I will raise hell out of the ground, here into third dimension, making it more powerful than the humans could ever believe now!"

He laughed like a maniac, deeply and full of evil, waving at Death to hurry up.

Death was still pushing me forward and I tried to resist him, asking with more desperation than I wanted to sound in my voice: "Why do you do this?"

He didn't answer in his trance and so I dropped to the ground, trying to escape, but it didn't help any.

"Shut up and come with me!", the devil exclaimed rudely, but I braced myself against the ground.

I wouldn't give up so easily, he would not see me giving in. Either I would die here and now, fighting against him, or I would win, there was no compromise to be made now.

"Kill me!", I spat, "Kill me here and now or never do it. Are you afraid that I won't come to hell, but haunt you forever? Coward!"

I was in pure rage and he laughed shrilly, throwing his head back, which had become even more inhuman. Horns were slowly breaking through his skull and twisted on his forehead. He grabbed my wrist again, forcing me to stand up.

"Little human, you are so noble. Willing to die with your kind, but which one is it you belong to? Too pure for a Reaper, to human for a Giver. Tell me little human, where do you think you belong in this battle?", he sneered and I kicked his foot hard.

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