Death's people are probably criminal, but we knew

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I woke up smiling.

The room smelled like Ezra even more than ever and I still laid in bed with closed eyes for a minute, letting last night's memories pass by again.

Flashes of him rushed around in my mind. Moments from feeling each other, affection and pure love. The way his eyes turned dark whenever he touched my skin and saw what it did to me, what he did to me.

I was even more addicted to him now, there was no going back anymore. Not like I planned on doing so any time soon.

The only time I would do such a thing would be, if Death kidnapped me, or something like it, but that was not too realistic. Everyone he had set off to come for me, had been incompetent as hell so far, and I didn't think it would change for his luck any time soon.

I opened my eyes and looked around the room, which was barely lit by the light falling through the half opened door. I sat up and saw the shiny strands of black hair next to me.

"Ezra", I whispered in a sing sang way of speaking, "Good morning, are you awake? I think Edith's coming around today and you and I aren't dressed yet."

A sighed groan came from him and he pulled the covers off his face. He was smiling again, looking at me with his eyes still half closed and breathing in the moment.

"Good morning, Darling."

He only looked at me and I wiggled closer, wrapped into the blanket like a caterpillar. I kissed him on the lips for a second and sat up on my elbows.

"You know I can't resist you calling me that, right?", I said smiling mysteriously and he looked at me playfully surprised.

"Oh is that so, Darling?", he began to tease me and I rolled my eyes.

I wanted to answer something, but in that exact moment bright light flared out of nowhere.

A portal opened in the bedroom. It was so sudden and surprising, that I almost screamed from shock. Burning hot I noticed, that I was still naked in bed.

Ezra turned on the bed lamp quickly, just as alarmed. "What the- What are you doing?!"

"Oh thank god you're both okay!", gasped Edith, whom I now could see, and breathed out in relief.

I sat up, covering my body with my blanket: "Jesus, you gave me a heart attack!"

"No need to call me that, Edith is just enough", the Giver joked, despite the chaos. A knowing smile formed around her lips, when she realized where and in what state Ezra and I were. "Oh, so at least you two had fun last night."

"Yeah, uhm, Edith if you wouldn't mind waiting in the living room. We'll come when we're dressed", said Ezra a little uncomfortably.

I wasn't too sure if Edith was satisfied with what she saw, when she left the bedroom, or if she was disturbed and tried to remain calm. Since she was Love, she probably sensed the atmosphere that was left from last night, but I didn't think that it was her daily routine to surprise couples in bed personally the morning after.

Ezra got up first and I stole a glance at his backside, just as I slipped out of the door to go to the bathroom. I wasn't too sure, but I thought I had seen faint scratches on his back, which made me uncomfortable, because I had hurt him, but also a little proud of both of us.

Edith was waiting in the living room restlessly and she wandered small circles in front of the sofa. She had brought our coats and jackets with her, which I hung up on the hooks next to the apartment door.

"Why didn't you ring? We would have opened the door for you definitely", Ezra said, when he brought three cups of coffee from the kitchen, before sitting down next to me on the sofa.

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