A dance with Death on a hot night

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!! Warning!! This chapter contains naked skin and sexual interaction!!

The waltz was slow and it gave a good opportunity to talk. Death was a good dancer and he made sure I felt comfortable dancing so close to my former boss, which was a strange moment after all.

"I see, you are still alive, Miss Salvatore", he said and I nodded.

"You don't sound surprised, Mr. Grimm", I pointed out and he chuckled.

We turned around another round before he answered: "I am not, you're right. You have been with us for almost eighthundred years and you never missed a job. Time creates a strong will."

"Then why do you think it will be necessary to kill everyone? Why is it necessary to kill everything, including your creator, just to prove Life that you're stronger?"

Death sighed, as if he had known such a discussion would come up one day. His hand leading me around the dance floor became slightly tense, while he sorted his words.

"You see Catina", he began and I listened up, when he used my first name to address me, "The world is worn down. The things we did in the beginning, everything we planned, has not quite worked out the way we wanted and now not only the human kind itself is at war every day with each other, the immortals are too. It is time for a new world."

"But what assures you that the new world will not be the same as this one?", I wanted to know and in the corner of my eye I saw Death smile sadly.

"Because I will rule. I will be the only one to rule and no Life will be there to say otherwise."

I remained silent. This sounded so wrong, everything about it. This had never been the way Death talked, never the way he treated Life. Besides the competition, he had always been highly respectful.

I remembered what the poem said about possession and in this moment I felt the presence of something else inside Death's mind. Something evil.

"Mr. Grimm, are you sure that you could survive like this?", I asked and he looked at me directly and confused.

He nodded strongly: "I am sure, why shouldn't I be?"

"Because you need the deaths", I pointed out, "And there will be no death when every living thing has disappeared. There will be nothing left that can die. Everything will be gone, everything only exists in a balance."

He didn't answer and we just kept turning to the long waltz song.

"You will die, Mr. Grimm."

The song ended and the crowd was applauding the band, while dance partners separated. Death stepped a step back and he looked at me with an expression, that was full of sad and confused emotion, but also filled with emptiness.

"I will die", he muttered very quietly and then took a deep breath, as if he was awakening slowly, "Thank you for the dance, Miss Salvatore."

"I thank you, Sir", I thanked my former boss and we left the dance floor in opposite directions.

I turned around again to see Death taking seat at the table of Mr. Eldenfield. He looked deeply in thought. His eyes were filled with a heavy glance when his friend started to talk to him. It was a peaceful picture.

I left the room to find the bathrooms. I had to talk to Ezra, because I was very confident about just having had a huge success with just as much as talking.

I was sure Death was influenced in a way that made him passive. But breaking the will of someone, whose magic was more powerful than anyone's, required at least as much power.

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