Why I hate Dr. Suicide

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I couldn't hear a lot because of the thick massive stone the wall was made of. The muffled voices from the other room would only have been loud enough for a wall half as thin.

I glanced at the scythe hanging on the wall opposite of me for decoration and smiled.

With a strong pull I pulled the heavy satin curtain away and revealed the stone under it.

Taking my own scythe I pulled out from my inner pocket of my coat, I carefully scraped on the wall, so that a small portal would open till the wall was only half as thick anymore.

It was a useful technique I had discovered a while ago, but it was tricky to not scrape off too much at first try.

The voices sounded louder and clearer immediately, but only because Dr. Suicide had started to yell.

"We can't let that step out! Sir, if we don't prepare the flowers we will not have the tranquilizer and that will cause more pain", he said, arguing with Death, who sighed.

I could hear his rough voice say: "I am aware of that, but if we want to stay in the timeline Old Age set, then you will have to let it slide. It doesn't matter anymore when everyone is dead afterwards anyways, doctor."

Everyone was dead? What did he mean by that? Were they preparing a mass murder? Or a terrorist attack?

Things like that had to be planned in our world too, just like the actual terrorist planned his attack.

One Reaper could barely do it all alone, that's why a plan had to be made who was going to be set up for it.

Catastrophies like fires or earthquakes were similarly planned, but all of this didn't seem too secretive to me, and not as if Dr. Suicide would feel the need to talk in codes in front of me.

The voices became more quiet and I rolled my eyes. I scraped a little more and cut even more into the wall. I had to be very careful not to make a sound now.

"However, I would recommend a tranquilizer", said Dr. Suicide again and I heard the defiance in his voice, like a little child whose mommy wouldn't let him have a bonbon.

He was letting his slimey and unpleasant personality hang out widely today.

Dr. Suicide was just like the Cause of death he represented. Like a sneaky eel that slowly came up behind you to stab you from ambush.

Death again sighed. He valued his team of advisors but sometimes, I thought, he also just wished for a more competent and less stubborn quartet.

Old Age said something, but I couldn't quite understand what he was saying, because the wall was still too thick for his quiet voice. Very slowly and carefully I scraped even more on the wall, till I could hear the quaver of Old Age's voice very clearly.

I had to be only one or two inches away from the other room now. The voices sounded so clear, as if I stood in the same room, which was virtually the case.

Very careful not to touch the thin stone wall I listened to Old Age.

"My dear colleagues", he wheezed, "This upcoming day will be the last chance to win the fight between the forces of life and our kind. Of course, the living do not have the need to suffer, so I would also recommend the tranquilizer. It is a lot of work to do till the day arrives, but I am sure if we would tell the Reapers, they would be helping us to be finished on time."

Deaths voice was calm and peaceful when he spoke to Old Age, his longest friend and ally of the four Causes. It was almost beautiful to hear the appreciation in his voice.

"My old friend, I thank you for your advice, but I'm afraid I can't tell my Reapers about it. Not even my most valued ones, like Miss Salvatore who is waiting in my office right now."

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