Another time begins

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"Ezra, the devil has him. It's his blood."

It took me a moment to process what she had said.

Ezra's blood. Ezra was in danger. Ezra was...

My boyfriend was in danger!

I began to run immediately, Edith and Brina following me closely. The many dead bodies dressed in white that laid on the ground and the demons that clawed for me were getting blurry and blended into one deadly mess.

I needed to get to him. The wind rushed in my ears and mixed with screams and painful screeches, which suddenly sounded too familiar.

The screams got louder and I stopped immediately in my movement, which caused Edith to bump into me.

"What is it? Why are you- Oh no."

In front of the two foot tall devil creature, that had grown a pair of huge red and leathery wings, a Giver cowered on the ground.

He spat blood and two of the demons lifted him up again, so that the devil could give him a strong scratch over his chest.

"Why does she TAKE SO LONG?!", he screamed and his voice sounded like the thunder in the distance.

"Leave her! She is smart enough not to come for me!", Ezra spat out and a load of blood followed.

He would not survive this any longer and I was sorry to tell him that he was wrong. I wasn't smart enough.

"Stop that!", I shout and my voice was surprisingly strong.

The devil rose from his seat of broken gravestones he sat on and I walked towards him slowly. I had every time in the world as long as he didn't harm my boyfriend.

"The useless human comes to save her love, how romantic. I never had anything left for love stories", the devil said playfully annoyed by me and my bravery I had scratched together from the bottom of my heart.

I snorted: "Don't pretend anything. You knew well enough that you could get me here if you only found him and waited for me. And you were right."

The devil grinned and turned back around towards Ezra, whom he looked at in disgust and pretension.

"You wanted me", I said and opened my arms to get his attention, "Take me."

The devil didn't bother looking at me. I prayed and hoped that he would turn back to me and leave Ezra alone, so he could recover at least, but he raised his red claw over him.

A scream was heard when it rushed down and made Ezra's torso bleed even more, slashing open the freshly healed wounds. It had been my scream, I noticed and I tried to leap forward, but hands with claws held me and forced me onto my knees.

"Let him go! He did nothing, let him go!", I protested and my voice got shrill of panic.

The devil laughed a manically laugh and with the coldest voice he said: "He hasn't, you're right. He did nothing wrong. Except for becoming valuable to you."

He laughed insanely as Ezra's blood splashed over his own face and I screamed louder, until it was the only thing I heard.

I wanted to save him and I wanted those skull demons to let me go and I wanted my magic to work!

Suddenly a shriek was heard that even sounded through my scream. I felt the claws letting me go and I fell onto my hands, pushing myself up.

I turned to see what had happened, but I wasn't too sure. The skull demons that had held me in place had disappeared.

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