3- Recording

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Sun's POV

The day after I played Hypixel with the DTeam, I had a constant smile on my face. Although, I had to actually go be an adult. Sadly, but it was the truth.

I got out of bed and started scrolling through Twitter. My following count has gone up by 5k, which made me smile even more than I already was. I put my phone down and began to get ready for the day.

I walked into my apartments only bathroom and took my hair out of the messy bun it was in. I brushed it through until I was content with the texture. I put it up in a high ponytail, with a few strands out in the front. I put my contacts in over my green eyes and went to go get dressed.

I worked at a Ruby Tuesday as a hostess. I put on the black button up shirt, the black pants and left my apartment. I got in my car and began driving to work.

I blasted my playlist on the way there. It was a 15 minute drive, 10 without traffic. One of my favorite songs came on, 'I Write Sins Not Tragedies' by Panic! At The Disco. I sang along happily as I drove.

My music suddenly stopped. I noticed that I was getting a phone call from Pixie, or better known as Izzy. I answered on the Bluetooth in my car.

"Hey Iz!" I greeted happily.

"Hey! I just wanted to thank you for the raid last night, that was really cool. Okay okay, but wait. Did you talk to the Team about me?" She grilled.

"No, but I will say something when I..." I trailed off, trying to add suspense.

"When you what? What the fuck are you talking about?" She asked impatiently. I giggled.

"I may or may not be recording a manhunt with Dream, Sap and George..." I said, trying not to get too excited.

"Are you fucking for real? I can't believe this! I'm so happy for you Lily! You deserve this. Every inch of it!" She screamed. I smiled to myself.

"I know! I almost died when he invited me last night. It's gonna be a 2v2, with me and Dream on one side and George and Sapnap on the other. I fucking can't wait." I added. "Okay girl I'm at work. I'll text you if it's not busy, yeah?"

"Okay, have fun." She said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and hung up. I put mascara and lipgloss on before I walked in. As I walked in, I was greeted by the other host, Rob.

"Hey Lily! How are you?" He said with a warm smile. I smiled back.

"Great! Thanks for asking." I said while pacing back to the kitchen. I greeted the cooks happily while I collected the things I'll need during my shift. It was Tuesday, so I didn't expect it to be that busy today. Plus, it was the morning shift. There were also rumors of a snowstorm, the first one for southern New Jersey.

I started my shift, and it went by slow. Me and Rob joked around the whole time, as always. In the whim of cleaning tables and taking guests to their seats, I noticed my phone vibrating a ton in my back pocket.

"Hey, can you take over for a second? I have to use the restroom." He nodded kindly and I swiftly walked to the ladies bathroom. I checked my phone while standing at the counter, and I found a discord group chat exploding.

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