15- Caught

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Lily's POV

   "Lily?" Clay asked. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I said. Clay still continued to prod.

"Wanna let me in? We can talk about it. Are you having another attack?"

"Uh— no, thanks though." I quickly said. Wilbur, on the other hand, was trying to get his shirt back on. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw his silhouette struggle to do so. I effortlessly strapped my bra back together, and threw the grey hoodie on.

"Cmon, Lil. I'm not going to leave you in there by yourself." He sharply shot back.

"Actually, yeah, I started to have an attack so I told Wilbur because he was the closest to me. He's in here with me." I lied, matching his tone. Wilbur mumbled an agreement.

"Really? You seemed completely fucking fine when you were laying on his chest." He suddenly whisper shouted, I'm assuming to not get the attention of Tommy's parents.

"He was helping me." I repeated.

"I can't fucking believe you right now. I thought we had something, Lilian. If you aren't straight up lying to my face, open the door. Prove to me that you aren't fucking Wilbur Soot in the bathroom right now." He quietly yelled.

    I opened the door, a pissed off look on my face.

"What do you want, Clay?" I asked.

Instead of replying, he just stared at Wilbur.

   "I don't believe you." He stated in a monotone voice.

   "Why?" I asked.

   "Do you think I'm stupid? I saw you staring at each other. I saw how you look at him, and I saw how you leaned into him. You did that to me, what, two days ago? It started changing when we came to England. Is it because you met him? You met him so you're going to throw me aside? I see, Lily. I see how it is." He ranted. I turned around and paced, only to snap back.

   "Okay, you know what? Yeah, I lied. I was making out with Wilbur. Why does it matter to you? We were never together. I was never with you, Clay. We never dated. We slept together once, and even then I barley remember it. You're a great guy, but I can't commit to you right now. Besides the fact that it could end your life, I am not ready for that. I told you this when you admitted your feelings to me in the first place. You know I'm not ready, so why are you getting pressed that I was with someone else? I shouldn't have lied to you about it, sure. That was a dick move on my end. I'll admit and I apologize for it, but I did that because knew you were going to act like this. But, anyway, you're in so much danger just because of me. I caused it. I'm the reason we have to live here for however long. My fault. There's no way in hell I'm going to be with you, just because of that. It's the fucking cherry on top that I'm scared to commit." I vented.

   "Fine. I'm the asshole, aren't I? I'm the dick here. It isn't like you led me on for a week and just lied to me. Nope, I'm the asshole." He mumbled.

   "I didn't mean to lead you on. I'm an affectionate person, Clay. I cuddle and kiss everyone on the cheek, even Izzy. Ask her. I felt something different with Wil and it didn't scare me like commitment to you scares me. And I'm fucking sorry that I'm guilty. Guilty for putting your life at risk. Because people just thought that I was with you, they leaked your address. Imagine if it was official. It's dangerous, and I can't be with you like that until the danger has passed, and even then, like I said, I'm not sure that I want to. I don't want to put you in danger anymore than I already have. How many fucking times do I have to tell you?"

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