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Lily's POV

⚠️ TW: Suicidal Thoughts ⚠️

   "Dream! Oh my god—" I heard a familiar, loud voice shout. I looked over to see Tommy and a blonde nurse at the door.

  I got up from Clay, and walked over to the teen.

"Come in, Tommy." I offered, a light smile on my face. My mind was still racing with intrusive thoughts. Tommy didn't return my smile, instead crashing into me and almost knocking me over. Despite that, I hugged him back, digging my face in his shoulder.

It was the tightest hug I've ever received from him. I returned it back just as tight, though, knowing he's especially emotional at the moment.

"Okay, Big T. Want to come see him? He's excited about seeing you." I informed him gently. He nodded, separating from me. I gently took his hand and led him into the room, awaiting Clay with a big smile on his face.

"Tommy!" Clay happily said, extending his arms to the best of his ability. Tommy practically ran into them, being especially gentle when he came close to the injured boy.

"How are you feeling? Can I do anything for you?" Tommy frantically asked.

"I'm feeling as good as I can. Hurts like a bitch, let me tell you. I'm just in a good mood, so I'm proud of you for catching me at a good time." Clay smiled. Tommy seemed to relax a bit, sitting down in the chair.

"God, I've been so worried about you guys, George especially. I heard he's not in the best condition." Tommy placed his head in his hands. I heard a small sniffle from him. "I can't do this, my god. I haven't cried this much in ages." He whispered out, looking up. I noticed tears streaming down his face. I opened my arms out to him.

The taller boy collapsed into me, sobs shaking his body.

"It'll be okay, Tommy. I promise." I cooed gently, letting him let it out. I looked at Clay with worry on my face.

"I'm right here, and I'm perfectly okay, buddy. George will be too, I promise." Clay added. Tommy didn't look up, though he began to calm down a bit. He hid his face in the crook of my neck.

"Everyone in the SMP is worried sick about you." He murmured. "No one has streamed, Dream. No one." He looked up, his eyes bright red. His usually icy blue eyes were now a shade of grey. "No one has heard from Sapnap in days, except for when he responded to your tweet. Bad is crying more than me, poor Ranboo is trying to comfort everyone while keeping himself calm, and Karl is trying to get Jimmy to fly everyone on the SMP out here." Tommy vented. I shut my eyes, trying to hold back the tears.

   Tommy separated from me, though he stayed close. I began to feel like I had to protect Tommy, even though I knew he was very capable of protecting himself. I think the younger boy knew he could always let his emotions out around me, and I wanted to make sure it stayed that way.

"I love them, I love them all so much." Clay told us. "Lily, can you call them?"

I nodded, taking my phone out and telling the general chat to join VC2

I was alone for a second, until a few people filled in.

"Lily?" Bad said, his voice quiet.

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