Alternate Ending

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Lily's POV
This takes place when Lily is waiting to find out news about Clay's potential infection
TW: Death, Mentions of SH

   Crossing my legs, I let out a sigh. I felt myself beginning to grow impatient about the news of my potential lover, and it was only causing me to grow more and more anxious by the minute.

   Clay wasn't acting right in the room, and it worried me a lot.

"I'm really worried about him." I expressed my thoughts as I aimlessly scrolled through Instagram.

"He's going to be fine, Lily. I promise." Karl murmured from next to me.

   "Do you guys think we can leave and get food? I'm rather hungry." Tommy admitted, standing up and beginning to pace.

   "Do you want to walk somewhere? I'll come with you, if you'd like." Toby offered, standing up as well.

   And with that, the two teenage boys were gone. Silence engulfed Karl, Nick and I.

   I noticed that none of us talked very much. Nick seemed anxious, as his head as in his hands and his face seemed disgruntled. Karl was scrolling through his phone, though his leg was shaking.

  I was scrolling through whatever I could find on my  phone, though I couldn't bring myself to truly focus on anything. My thoughts wandered to places that I couldn't get them out of, one of the topics unfortunately being the kiss that I was yet to give to Clay.

   I cant tell how much time I have back with the boy, and I want to spend every living moment I can with him.

   I loved him.

I looked up upon hearing soft footsteps approaching us. A nurse with brunette hair stopped in front of our small group with a clipboard.

   "Unfortunately, Clay's wound is very infected. He is beginning to slip back into critical condition as this infection is attacking his body fast, so he won't be able to have any friends visit him. Although, immediate family is welcomed to visit, but it's likely he'll have to be moved to the ICU later today or tomorrow. I have to warn you that he isn't himself due to the medicine we have him on and the amount of pain he's in. Though, Lily, if you'd like to see him you're more than welcome."

I stood up, beginning to follow the nurse to the room. As I walked, I waved goodbye to Karl and Nick.

I walked in slowly, hearing the door shut behind me. I approached the bed, looking at the boys face. His eyes were closed, but opened a little bit to see who walked in. He smiled a little bit after seeing me.

I sat down next to him in my usual spot, and the boy immediately dug his head into my waist. I put myself in a laying position to allow myself to cuddle him.

"Hey, Clay. How are you?" I whispered gently, squeezing a little bit tighter as I kissed his face.

"Everything hurts." He said in a mere whisper. He looked up at me, rather sadly. I only pulled him closer to me as he put his face in my shoulder.

"I love you. I know I can't visit you for a while after this so I want to make it one of the best times, okay?" I whispered to him, forcing a smile. I rubbed his cheek with my thumb.

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