20- Hospital

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Lily's POV

⚠️TW: Blood, Gore, Violence, Medical Drug Use. If You Cannot Handle Descriptive Gore,  Please Go To The Bold At The End Of The Chapter. ⚠️

   It was the day we were leaving for Germany. Me and Wilbur were on our way, car packed, to pick up George and Clay. It was early in the morning, so there wasn't much talking. We pulled into the driveway, so I picked up my phone and called Clay. When there was no response, I called George. Still no response. I rolled my eyes.

   "I'm just going to walk in there. I'll be right back." I told Wil, beginning to walk towards the door. To my shock, the glass of the front door was smashed. My heart began pounding, my mind thinking the worse. We're they okay? What if the stalker had gotten to them?

   I walked into the unlocked door to see a sight I'll never forget.

   Clay was on the floor, unconscious, blood pouring out of his chest. Next to him, George had a knife stabbed in his chest. I stood there, frozen until I came to my senses. I ran up to the bodies, checking pulse and if they were breathing. George had little pulse and Clay had a slightly stronger one. I placed my hand over Clay's wound, trying to stop the bleeding some. I wanted to do the same to George, but I knew from Grey's Anatomy that you never take out the item that impaled someone. Clay's face was ghostly pale, blood dripping out of the corner of his mouth. George was much worse, his eyes slightly opened and breaths coming shallow.

   "Wilbur!" I screamed on the top of my lungs, shakily pulling out my phone, one hand on Clay's chest. I dialed the three numbers as fast as I could, tears running down my face.

   Wilbur ran in next to me, gasping loudly. The lady responded to me over the phone. "999, what is your emergency?"

   "Please help me— my— my friends house got invaded and— they've both been stabbed. The knife is still in one of them, George." I explained, letting out a choked sob. Wilbur was examining George next to me, a hand on his wrist checking his pulse.

   "Okay, whatever you do, do not remove the knife and do not touch it. Is there anyone who possibly could have done this?" She asked. I shook my head out of anger.

  "We've been being stalked by someone on social media. You dipshits are supposed to know that though, so fucking help me!" I screamed at the lady, holding the phone to my ear with my shoulder and placing both my hands on Clay's wound. My hands were bloodied along with my clothes, but I didn't care. Clay's face was lifeless, too lifeless.

   "Okay, ma'am. Please calm down and tell me your address."

   I did as I was told, and she told us help was on the way. I threw my phone down and held Clay's chest harder, trying to desperately stop the blood.

   "Stay with me, Clay." I sobbed out. "Don't you dare fucking leave me."

   "No, no no no no!" Wilbur screamed next to me. He pinched George's nose, breathing into his lips. He repeated the process, multiple times until we heard footsteps walking into the house. The paramedic harshly ripped me away from Clay, placing their own hands over the boy's wound. They did the same for George, being much more careful with him, considering the weapon that was used was still impaled in his chest.

   I went back over to Clay, who was now shirtless with wrapping over his wound. Blood was everywhere, staining the tan wrap.

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