7- Christmas Day

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Clay's POV

Before this chapter begins, I would just like to say that Clay's ex, Kayla, mentioned briefly when talking to George is loosely based off of his IRL ex, in regards to why their relationship ended. Otherwise she is just an OC, meaning that the events that are mentioned in this story are not canon.

On the car ride home from the arcade, I felt a thump on my right shoulder. I looked down to see Lily asleep on my shoulder, holding the stuffed animal I gave her. I smiled at the sight, then began to pay attention to the road.

"So now that she's asleep, want to tell me about what George was talking about?" Izzy asked from behind me. I immediately thought back to the conversation I had with George the night before.

"I can't believe she's actually coming to see me tomorrow." I said, on a FaceTime call with my British best friend. "The past two weeks have been amazing, dude. If I didn't like her before that? I definitely do now."

"Just go for it, Dream. She's a fangirl at heart, you know she would die to date you." George reasoned. I shrugged, looking back at my phone.

"You never know. What if she just wants the clout? Or what if she doesn't like how I act behind the scenes? You never know what goes through a girls head. The possibilities are basically endless." I countered. My mind ran through various situations that could happen when Sun was here.

"Obviously not. I think she's different. I wouldn't have donated that much to her if I thought she were shallow." George gave me a sympathetic look. "Wait, Dream..." he trailed off. "You're not thinking about 'her,' right?"

I shrugged my shoulders again. "Maybe a little bit. I haven't opened myself up to a girl like this since everything happened with Kayla. I know that she's different and such, but I can't stop thinking about what could happen."

"You've seen how she acts on Twitter with us. And you saw how happy she was when she played with us as well. Kayla never wanted to play with us or even interact with us." George responded with a soft tone in his voice. "Me and Sap already agreed that we like her a lot more."

I was silent for a while, considering my friends words. I decided that what George was saying made a lot of sense. "Yeah, you're right. I already trust Sun more than I ever did Kayla. She leaves on January 2, should I make a move before then?" I wondered curiously.

"Yes! Maybe don't do it right away, but build up to it and see how she reacts." George said, getting excited. I smiled at my phone.

"Okay, I will. I'll let you know how it goes, okay? I'm going to head to bed. I'll text you tomorrow, yeah?" I said. George nodded and I hung up, laying down in my bed, preparing to pick Sun up in the morning.

"Well," I began. "We talked last night and basically, he told me that I should make small gestures to Lily and see how she reacts. I told him I'd let him know how it went, so I guess he was calling to ask how it was going." I explained quietly, deciding on not mentioning the conversation about Kayla.

"Wait, let me get this straight. You like her, yeah?" Izzy asked. I rolled my eyes.

"I thought it was obvious."

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