The Inspection

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The trolls all sat down and discussed Poppy's fridge problem."What exactly did you see ms. Poppy" Biggie asked as he pulled out his P.K.E meter. "Well I saw some kind of temple that was surrounded by fog, then the last thing I notice was a beam of light coming from something I couldn't exactly see" she explained. Biggie got up and pointed his P.K.E meter at Poppy, who looked at him funny. "Um, what are you doing?" she asked. Biggie was still holding his meter, checking the ratings."I'm checking to see if you're not possessed or if you have any ghost DNA on you" he said, moving the meter sideways along her body.

"Well, right now, we can only search your pod. We have equipment to deal with this matter, but we still need to time get them properly working" Guy said. Branch stood up and walked over to Poppy. "I'll do it, I'll go with her" he said. Poppy looked up at Branch, a bit shocked at his response. "Oh, really" Guy said, turning his attention to Branch. "Yeah, you guys stay here and test our equipment, and I'll go back with Poppy to her pod and check her out" he said, not realizing what he just said. Poppy looked up at him and blushed lightly, Guy Diamond let a snicker at Branch's words.

Branch looked at both of them before finding out what he had just said. He blushed and replied again."I mean, check out her pod" he said before covering his face."Ok, you two be careful" Guy said. Branch nodded and followed Poppy back to her pod. Branch stopped and forgot that he needed to use the P.K.E meter."Hey Biggie, could I borrow the meter" he asked. Biggie turned to Branch and handed him the meter, then Branch and Poppy were to her pod. Guy turned to Biggie and smiled. "Hey Biggs, did you hear what Branch just said earlier" Guy said, laughing. Biggie nodded no."Oh, that's fine, you wouldn't get it"

Soon, Branch and Poppy were arriving at her pod. Poppy opened the door for both of them and led Branch to the living room."Ok, so you said that it was inside your kitchen," he asked her, pulling out the meter."Yes, in the fridge" she said, pointing to her refrigerator. Branch slowly walked close to the fridge. He pointed the meter at it and got something. He put the device down and opened the fridge door slowly to take a peak. His eyes filled up with shock as he saw into her fridge. "Oh my troll" he said. Poppy started to get scared, thinking he was seeing what she had seen earlier. "What is it" she asked, becoming a little scared. Branch opened the fridge all the way and said."Look at all the junk food".

Poppy looked at Branch with a disappointed face. She walked over to him and looked in the fridge. "Branch, I swear there was a temple and a beast thing in my fridge" she said."I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'm not detecting anything yet" he said, looking at the meter.

He started off walking toward Poppy's bedroom. He opened the door slightly and poked the meter through the crack. "That's the bedroom, but nothing ever happened in there" Poppy said. Branch closed the door and mumbled under his breath."What a crime".

Branch went toward the shelves, scanning his meter over it, Poppy came over to ask something."So Branch, um, when did you decide to come out of your bunker and join a group" she asked. Branch widened his eyes and then closed them, sighing. "Two words, Guy Diamond" he said. Poppy became confused again at how he mentioned Guy Diamond name. "What do you mean" she asked, raising an eyebrow. Branch put down his meter and turned to Poppy. "We were friends in school. We used to study quantum physics and paranormal activity together" he said. Poppy smiled at this and responded. "You and Guy were friends. That's so cool" she said. Branch rolled his eyes. "Meh" was all he said
Before searching the pod again.

Branch continued walking over to the window. He scanned his meter near the window, getting nothing so far. But then the P.K.E meter started to beep a little louder. Branch looked over at the window and examined it. He didn't really seem to find anything until he felt something sticky on his hands. He picked his hands up and grunted in disgust, shaking off the substance."I got something" he said. Poppy walked quickly over to Branch to see what he found."I think something about this slimey substance has some kind of psychic kinetic energy to it" he said, pointing at it. Poppy looked at it and didn't understand how that had anything to do with what she saw in the fridge."I don't understand. Why would slime have anything to do with the fridge problem? " she asked."I don't know, but this is coming with me" he said, reaching into his pocket to get something

Branch pulled out a jar and a spoon and scooped up the slime, watching it spill inside the jar. The two went back to the living room, and Branch put the jar inside his pocket."Ok, now that we have some evidence, I'm gonna head back to the station and see what this is, then hopefully find out what we're dealing with" he said. Branch headed for the door, but Poppy stopped him. "Wait" she said. Branch turned around and gave her his attention."I just wanted to say that it's great to see you outside of your bunker and doing something other than hiding away. I'm glad you're opening up" she said, smiling at him. Branch heard this and just reached for the door and said. "Yeah."

Branch headed back to the station to tell the boys what he had discovered. He opened the front door and walked inside."Guys, I'm back" he said, walking toward the back of the building. He stopped when he heard a loud noise, and then he heard chattering. He walked toward it and walked around the corner to see Guy and Biggie. They were testing the proton packs. Guy had one on his back while Biggie was turning it on from his system."Ok, ready to aim in 1,...2,....3" Biggie said, turning on the proton pack. It gave a humming sound, and Guy got excited. Branch walked over and called out to them. "Hey guys" he said. Guy was about to press the button to fire, but he heard Branch's voice."Oh Branch your back. Did you find anything" he asked. Branch reached in his pocket and pulled out his jar of slime. "Yeah, I got some weird slime stuff" he said, putting the slime on the table.

Guy took off his pack and headed Branch's way with Biggie following behind him. Biggie picked up the jar and examined it."Perfect, I'll go analyze it right now" he said, walking over to the lab. Guy turned to Branch and put a hand on his shoulder."So dude, I gotta tell ya something. While you were out, I invited Harper over. You know the witness we found days ago" he said. Branch nodded and listened."So I've been thinking since we're going to need to be taken seriously, we should have a logo" he said.

"Guy, we don't need a logo to be taken seriously" Branch said."Well, still, I had Harper volunteer to make us a logo" Guy said. Guy then looked in another direction and called out to Harper."Hey Harper, can you bring us the painting" he shouted so she could hear him. Harper then appeared from a corner with a canvas in her hand. She stopped in front of us, catching her breath a bit. "You alright" Guy asked, concerned about Harper. She looked up at him and stood up straight."Yes, I'm fine, I'm not a very accurate runner." Here's the picture" she said, flipping the canvas on the other side, showing them the logo.

(Here's the logo we all know and love)

The picture was a ghost inside of the cancel sign. Branch looked at it and made a what face. "Well, what do you think? It really captures the idea of what we're doing right" Guy said, smiling. Branch stared at the picture again and thought it over."Now, normally I would say it's average, but something about this painting feels like it's meant to be, so it has my approval" he said, smirking at it. Guy sighed in relief at Branch's comment. "Man, I really thought you were going to say no because it was really hard to come up with" he said. The three of them chuckled and stared at the picture again."Nah, I like it,

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